Draft Local Plan Review

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Draft Local Plan Review

Q23. Are there any other comments you wish to make on the Draft Local Plan?

Representation ID: 3505

Received: 16/03/2017

Respondent: BDW and Gallagher Estates Ltd

Agent: Avison Young

Representation Summary:

Council should identify reserve/safeguarded sites, which can be brought forward /released in certain circumstances.
large scale sites will risk the deliverability of the local plan and further risks the DLP not being able to achieve the housing in a manner which ensures a rolling five year supply over the plan period.

Full text:

see attached document to supplement online submissions


Draft Local Plan Review

Q11. Do you agree with Policy P4? If not why not, and what alternative would you suggest?

Representation ID: 6520

Received: 16/03/2017

Respondent: BDW and Gallagher Estates Ltd

Agent: Avison Young

Representation Summary:

Actual affordable housing need is 28.7% and not 50%.
Provision of Starter Homes as additional to identified need for affordable housing will result in double-counting. Unsound.
Concerned by absence of any viability testing of policy.
Larger greenfield sites, with high infrastructure requirements, may not be able to deliver 50% affordable homes. Contrary to NPPF.
Text should be amended to state 29% affordable dwellings should be provided.
Should include starter homes in definition of affordable housing.
Should include option for off-site contributions when on-site affordable provision is unviable or unfeasible.
Include reference to Viability Assessments for planning applications.

Full text:

see attached document to supplement online submissions


Draft Local Plan Review

Alternative Site Suggested (Call for Sites)

Representation ID: 6521

Received: 16/02/2017

Respondent: BDW and Gallagher Estates Ltd

Agent: Avison Young

Representation Summary:

Support for SHELAA Site Reference 142, Grange Farm, Balsall Common.
Disagree with findings in GBA, Sustainability Appraisal, Landscape Character Assessment in relation to SHELAA Site 142.
Site compares favourably with proposed allocations 1, 2 and 3.
Our findings should be reflected in DLP and site included for development.

Full text:

6. Please refer to full representation

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