Draft Local Plan Review
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Draft Local Plan Review
Q3. Do you agree with the spatial strategy we have set out? If not why not, and what alternative would you suggest?
Representation ID: 3936
Received: 17/02/2017
Respondent: National Motorcycle Museum
Agent: Framptons Planning
Suggest growth in the Spatial Strategy key in Growth Option E should be extended south to include the National Motorcycle Museum.
The UKC Masterplan published in June 2013 set out a map of the Central Hub; the NMM sits immediately south of it.
There is proposed major investment at the Museum which has substantial synergy with the proposals for UKC and the High Speed 2 Interchange Area, in particular:
Contribution to the local economcy,
150-200 additional jobs, plus construction jobs, and potential apprenticeships,
Links with schools, technical collegees and manufacturers,
Optimise and existing cultural asset,
Will support conference facilities.
Please see attached the following submission to the Solihull Draft Local Plan Review Consultation.
We have produced the following documents to form part of our submission:
* Covering Letter
* National Motorcycle Museum Site Location Plan
* The Hub drawing
Draft Local Plan Review
Q20. Do you agree with the policies for quality of place? If not why not, and what alternatives would you suggest?
Representation ID: 3937
Received: 17/02/2017
Respondent: National Motorcycle Museum
Agent: Framptons Planning
Policy P17:
National Motorcycle Museum is a brownfield site in the Green Belt and effective use should be made of it. Accords with Para. A.63 of Housing White Paper.
NMM Site been assessed as part of R18 in Green Belt Review, and scores relatively poorly against purposes of Green Belt.
Please see attached the following submission to the Solihull Draft Local Plan Review Consultation.
We have produced the following documents to form part of our submission:
* Covering Letter
* National Motorcycle Museum Site Location Plan
* The Hub drawing
Draft Local Plan Review
Alternative Site Suggested (Call for Sites)
Representation ID: 3939
Received: 17/02/2017
Respondent: National Motorcycle Museum
Agent: Framptons Planning
Trustees of National Motorcycle Museum have engaged with a team of consultants to prepare a planning application for a multi-million investement at the Museum including:
New museum (to east of existing buildings)
New hotel (250bed)
Museum operates two off-site hotels, which can no longer provide the level of conference accommodation which is sought.
Museum not self-sustaining, needs conference facilities to support tourism and cultrual asset.
Proposal would use existing access arrangements from J6 of M42. Provision of overnight accommodation will reduce the amount of trip movement to and from the site.
Site should be allocated and removed from Green Belt.
Please see attached the following submission to the Solihull Draft Local Plan Review Consultation.
We have produced the following documents to form part of our submission:
* Covering Letter
* National Motorcycle Museum Site Location Plan
* The Hub drawing