Draft Local Plan Review
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Draft Local Plan Review
Q3. Do you agree with the spatial strategy we have set out? If not why not, and what alternative would you suggest?
Representation ID: 4037
Received: 17/02/2017
Respondent: North Warwickshire Borough Council
Recognise and welcome that DLP fully addresses Solihull's own FOAN.
Note the emphasis the plan places on economic growth and regeneration of areas such as Chelmsley Wood.
Notwithstanding the above, there are significant local concerns over impact of UK Central proposals and development around HS2 Interchange station with regards to local, rural highway network and increased traffic flows and levels.
Need to consider and include in DLP measures to address any potential adverse impacts, in parallel with maximising connectivity to the HS2 station.
Please see attached an e-copy of the response letter and associated documents which comprises the Borough Council's representation, comments and concerns/objections arising from the Solihull Local Plan consultation
Draft Local Plan Review
19 Bickenhill - The Hub, UKC
Representation ID: 6273
Received: 17/02/2017
Respondent: North Warwickshire Borough Council
Note the emphasis the plan places on economic growth.
Notwithstanding the above, there are significant local concerns over impact of UK Central proposals and development around HS2 Interchange station with regards to local, rural highway network and increased traffic flows and levels.
Need to consider and include in DLP measures to address any potential adverse impacts, in parallel with maximising connectivity to the HS2 station.
Please see attached an e-copy of the response letter and associated documents which comprises the Borough Council's representation, comments and concerns/objections arising from the Solihull Local Plan consultation
Draft Local Plan Review
Q16. Do you believe we have identified the infrastructure[35] required to support these developments? If not why not? Are there any additional facilities you believe are required, if so what are the
Representation ID: 6274
Received: 17/02/2017
Respondent: North Warwickshire Borough Council
In relation to Site 19:
Access to the rural road network should be restricted and focused on local services and local settlement access only, with Interchange Station Traffic concentrated, directeed and routed onto the Strategic Transport network only.
Where necessary, to avoid traffic conflict with local traffic and adverse impacts on rural settlements (particularly heavy construction traffic, rat runs etc), some route and road closures should be considered as an option.
Please see attached an e-copy of the response letter and associated documents which comprises the Borough Council's representation, comments and concerns/objections arising from the Solihull Local Plan consultation
Draft Local Plan Review
Q14. Do you agree that we are planning to build the right number of new homes? If not why not, and how many do you think we should be planning to build?
Representation ID: 6275
Received: 17/02/2017
Respondent: North Warwickshire Borough Council
Note the DLP indicates a modest contribution to Birmingham's shortfall.
Wish to raise major concerns that 2000 dwellings does not signficantly or sufficiently address neither the scale of the shortfall, nor the clear and significant links and relationships between Solihull and the Greater Birmingham area.
No clear rationale on how 2000 figure arrived at.
Particulary relevant given:
North Warwickshire's proposal of testing 3790 dwellings in their Local Plan to address shortfall;
Comparative infrastructure and services available in both authorities;
Significantly higher levels of commuting traffic, and travel to work relationships between Solihull and Birmingham, both local and strategic.
Please see attached an e-copy of the response letter and associated documents which comprises the Borough Council's representation, comments and concerns/objections arising from the Solihull Local Plan consultation
Draft Local Plan Review
Q16. Do you believe we have identified the infrastructure[35] required to support these developments? If not why not? Are there any additional facilities you believe are required, if so what are the
Representation ID: 6277
Received: 17/02/2017
Respondent: North Warwickshire Borough Council
In relation to housing and economic growth proposed in Solihull:
DLP should take account of and address the highway infrastructure capacity wider then the Metropolitan area, and to include across the boundary into North Warwickshire.
Note the need to address and minimise traffic levels and impacts on rural settlements and rural road network.
Seek to separate local traffic and networks from strategic traffic, both generated by and servicing the growth in Solihull, Birmingham shortfall, construction of HS2 and eventual commuting traffic to Interchange station.
Should be clearly addressed and stated in DLP.
Please see attached an e-copy of the response letter and associated documents which comprises the Borough Council's representation, comments and concerns/objections arising from the Solihull Local Plan consultation