Draft Local Plan Review

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Draft Local Plan Review

Q3. Do you agree with the spatial strategy we have set out? If not why not, and what alternative would you suggest?

Representation ID: 2782

Received: 17/02/2017

Respondent: Shirley Golf Club Ltd and IM Properties Ltd

Agent: Marrons Planning

Representation Summary:

qualified support for the spatial strategy and much of its content.
- express concerns that allocation of sites has not be in keeping with the spatial strategy as set out in the DLP.
- suggest amendments to the criteria b (Green belt)
- selection of opportunities within the less preferred Options E to G instead of land adjacent Stratford Road
(SHLAA reference 62) is not justified by the evidence.
- Recognition within the Strategy to the role of smaller sites in assisting with early delivery during the Plan period is welcomed

Full text:

see attached response on behalf of Shirley Golf Club Limited and IM Properties Limited in respect of land adjacent to Stratford Road.


Draft Local Plan Review

Alternative Site Suggested (Call for Sites)

Representation ID: 2785

Received: 17/02/2017

Respondent: Shirley Golf Club Ltd and IM Properties Ltd

Agent: Marrons Planning

Representation Summary:

- propose land adjacent to Stratford Road - SHELAA site 62 - is partially released for housing development
- Councils accessibility assessment reaches an incorrect conclusion.
- not clear how the results of the Strategic Green Belt Assessment have informed the selection of allocations.
- requested the Council attach significant weight to those opportunities that fall within Growth Option D and Area E, and allocate land adjacent to Stratford Road (SHLAA reference 62) in accordance with the Spatial Strategy and the Plan's evidence base

Full text:

see attached response on behalf of Shirley Golf Club Limited and IM Properties Limited in respect of land adjacent to Stratford Road.


Draft Local Plan Review

Q10. Do you believe the right scale and location of development has been identified? If not why not?

Representation ID: 2786

Received: 17/02/2017

Respondent: Shirley Golf Club Ltd and IM Properties Ltd

Agent: Marrons Planning

Representation Summary:

- appreciate that the majority of economic growth will be achieved through the delivery of development within these broad use classes, other land uses can also contribute towards economic development and should be recognised within the Plan.
- needs of the automotive retail sector should be addressed
by this Plan (land use they do not often sit comfortably or succeed within town centre or business park. Stratford Road corridor given its characteristics, and this has created a critical mass of activity which makes this an attractive location for the sector)

Full text:

see attached response on behalf of Shirley Golf Club Limited and IM Properties Limited in respect of land adjacent to Stratford Road.


Draft Local Plan Review

Q14. Do you agree that we are planning to build the right number of new homes? If not why not, and how many do you think we should be planning to build?

Representation ID: 2787

Received: 17/02/2017

Respondent: Shirley Golf Club Ltd and IM Properties Ltd

Agent: Marrons Planning

Representation Summary:

- development of land adjacent to Stratford Road could make
a meaningful contribution to housing supply
- uncertainty at this stage as to whether the proposed allocations are capable of meeting the requirements of paragraph 47 of the Framework, and it is not possible to comment on the soundness of the Plan in this respect.
- council should build in a healthy contingency of smaller sites given the reliance on a numer of larger allocations (over 500 dwellings)to ensure that any failure to deliver at the rate required is factored.

Full text:

see attached response on behalf of Shirley Golf Club Limited and IM Properties Limited in respect of land adjacent to Stratford Road.


Draft Local Plan Review

Q21. Do you agree with the policies health and supporting communities? If not why not, and what alternatives would you suggest?

Representation ID: 2788

Received: 17/02/2017

Respondent: Shirley Golf Club Ltd and IM Properties Ltd

Agent: Marrons Planning

Representation Summary:

the policy fails to recognise circumstances in which a site becomes economically unviable/unable to operate as privately maintained recreational facilities.
the policy should be amended as appropriate.

Full text:

see attached response on behalf of Shirley Golf Club Limited and IM Properties Limited in respect of land adjacent to Stratford Road.

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