Draft Local Plan Review

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Draft Local Plan Review

Q7. Do you agree with Policy P2? If not why not, and what alternative would you suggest?

Representation ID: 150

Received: 14/12/2016

Respondent: West Midlands Police

Agent: Tyler Parkes Partnership Ltd

Representation Summary:

Welcomes changes to the proposed wording with useful additions as follows:
'...to create well designed streets with attractive active frontages which
encourage vibrant and active street life and create characterful and well defined
spaces and routes...The value of good urban design...the importance of creating
legible, distinctive, flexible, attractive, safe and inclusive public realm throughout
the town centre...'

Full text:

see attached letter from Tyler Parkes on behalf of the West Midlands Police Chief Constable


Draft Local Plan Review

Q20. Do you agree with the policies for quality of place? If not why not, and what alternatives would you suggest?

Representation ID: 774

Received: 14/12/2016

Respondent: West Midlands Police

Agent: Tyler Parkes Partnership Ltd

Representation Summary:

Welcomes the changes proposed to the wording of Policy P15 Securing Design Quality with the following useful additions:
'...Creates attractive, safe, active, legible and uncluttered streets and public
spaces which are accessible, inter-connected and easily maintained, and
encourages walking and cycling and reduces crime and the fear of crime through
the adoption of Secured by Design principles in all developments...'

Full text:

see attached letter from Tyler Parkes on behalf of the West Midlands Police Chief Constable


Draft Local Plan Review

Q21. Do you agree with the policies health and supporting communities? If not why not, and what alternatives would you suggest?

Representation ID: 775

Received: 14/12/2016

Respondent: West Midlands Police

Agent: Tyler Parkes Partnership Ltd

Representation Summary:

Welcomes the changes proposed to the wording of Policy P18 with useful additions as follows:
'...New development proposals will be expected to promote, support and enhance
physical and mental health and wellbeing. Healthy lifestyles will be enabled
by...Supporting safe and inclusive design that discourages crime and antisocial
behaviour, and encourage social cohesion...'

Full text:

see attached letter from Tyler Parkes on behalf of the West Midlands Police Chief Constable


Draft Local Plan Review

Q16. Do you believe we have identified the infrastructure[35] required to support these developments? If not why not? Are there any additional facilities you believe are required, if so what are the

Representation ID: 776

Received: 14/12/2016

Respondent: West Midlands Police

Agent: Tyler Parkes Partnership Ltd

Representation Summary:

Disappointed there is no mention of the need to consider the impact on emergency service infrastructure or of the need for increased Police infrastructure provision. The scale of development proposed will inevitably have implications for the maintenance of safety and security. There is likely to be a need for additional Police infrastructure.
Wording similar to that included in the Solihull Local Plan 2013 should be included in the table of allocated sites. For each of the allocated sites the wording should be as follows: '...Consider impact on social infrastructure provision, eg. Emergency
services and community facilities.'

Full text:

see attached letter from Tyler Parkes on behalf of the West Midlands Police Chief Constable


Draft Local Plan Review

Q22. Do you agree with the Policy P21? If not why not, and what alternatives would you suggest?

Representation ID: 777

Received: 14/12/2016

Respondent: West Midlands Police

Agent: Tyler Parkes Partnership Ltd

Representation Summary:

Disappointed that reference to the West Midlands Police has been removed from the supporting text for Policy P21. The proposed supporting text in the Draft Local Plan Review does not include the Police within the list of those bodies the Council will be
working in partnership with. Whilst it is accepted partnership working is 'not
limited' to those listed, the Chief Constable formally requests that reference
continues to be made to the West Midlands Police in the supporting text for Policy
P21, similar to the wording in the adopted Local Plan.

Full text:

see attached letter from Tyler Parkes on behalf of the West Midlands Police Chief Constable

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