Solihull Local Plan (Draft Submission) 2020

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Solihull Local Plan (Draft Submission) 2020

Policy BL1 - West of Dickens Heath

Representation ID: 14996

Received: 13/12/2020

Respondent: Tidbury Green Parish Council

Legally compliant? Yes

Sound? No

Duty to co-operate? Yes

Representation Summary:

Part of Site BL1 (parcel south of Tythe Barn Lane) objected to on number of grounds:
Reason for site selection-sustainability:
- Inconsistent application of site methodology
- Main reason for choosing site is proximity to Whitlocks End station
- Does not take into account sustainability objectives, strategic objectives, 2016 Draft LPR 'guiding principles', sequential approach, Policy P7 nor Policy P8
- Inconsistent with national policy on achieving sustainable development
- SA report is inaccurate
- Not in accordance with site selection in Para. 68 in SDLPR
- Number of adverse impacts
- Not within 800m walking distance of services/facilities
- Will not change high car dependency in village
- Footpaths on concept masterplan through Birchy Close will not be possible, therefore walking distances longer from site to Dickens Heath village centre
- Will add to existing parking issues in village (see Motts Parking Study)
- Whitlocks End station has overloaded (pre-Covid) rail service; over 15 mins to Birmingham or Stratford-u-Avon; slow and indirect bus service; no public transport to UK Central; no direct cycle or footway to village centre
- Our own analysis shows that site should have been discounted at Step 1
- Site should not be green in site selection, but red.

Change suggested by respondent:

Remove part of Site BL1 (south of Tythe Barn Lane) from the plan.

Full text:

See attached letter.



Solihull Local Plan (Draft Submission) 2020

Policy BL1 - West of Dickens Heath

Representation ID: 14997

Received: 13/12/2020

Respondent: Tidbury Green Parish Council

Legally compliant? Yes

Sound? No

Duty to co-operate? Yes

Representation Summary:

Part of Site BL1 (parcel south of Tythe Barn Lane) objected to on number of grounds:
Disproportionate housing allocation of development in the Blythe and South Shirley area:
- Plan proposes to locate 39% of all new development in South Shirley/Blythe ward
- Excessive burden on small area
- Located away from employment areas, therefore more workplace travel emissions and traffic jams, contrary to NPPF Para. 104
- Considerable development already carried out in Blythe 2011-2018
- Dickens Heath village already increased in size from original 850 to 1757 dwellings
- Bromgrove already expressed concerns about lack of local infrastructure to cope with recent and proposed developments.

Change suggested by respondent:

Remove part of Site BL1 (south of Tythe Barn Lane) from the plan.

Full text:

See attached letter.



Solihull Local Plan (Draft Submission) 2020

Policy BL1 - West of Dickens Heath

Representation ID: 14998

Received: 13/12/2020

Respondent: Tidbury Green Parish Council

Legally compliant? Yes

Sound? No

Duty to co-operate? Yes

Representation Summary:

Part of Site BL1 (parcel south of Tythe Barn Lane) objected to on number of grounds:
Green Belt
- Govt consistently committed to protecting Green Belt
- Unmet housing demand unlikely to outweigh harm to GB
- Analysis of GB in Blythe has average score of 7.23, highest for any area in Solihull
- Not accord with NPPF Para. 133-135 as site would not provide sustainable development
- Coalescence with Whitlocks End Farm and Tidbury Green
- Sites in Green Belt Assessment scoring 7 or higher should not be removed from GB
- Council not fully examined infrastructure requirements that would justify & mitigate GB alterations in this area
- Proposal ignores Challenge E 'protect key gaps between urban areas and settlements'
- Even reduced allocation to 350 will have undue impact on integrity of Green Belt & major expansion of Dickens Heath village.
- To protect Tidbury Green from future development pressure, settlement should remain 'washed over Green Belt'.

Change suggested by respondent:

Remove part of Site BL1 (south of Tythe Barn Lane) from the plan.

Full text:

See attached letter.



Solihull Local Plan (Draft Submission) 2020

Policy BL1 - West of Dickens Heath

Representation ID: 14999

Received: 13/12/2020

Respondent: Tidbury Green Parish Council

Legally compliant? Not specified

Sound? Not specified

Duty to co-operate? Not specified

Representation Summary:

Part of Site BL1 (parcel south of Tythe Barn Lane) objected to on number of grounds:
Character of Dickens Heath:
- Original Masterplan approved for 850 dwellings (examined in 1991 UDP Inquiry).
- 4 key elements were:
o Should have clear identity which gives residents a sense of place and belonging
o Echo traditional features of village development
o Provide range of housing
o Create a safe and pleasing environment for pedestrians
- Material consideration that in subsequent UDPs examination (1995 and 2004) additional growth to village was rejected by Inspectors.
- Development would not be within the recognised walking distance (800m) of the village centre, and outside the strong natural boundaries of the village.
- Contrary to Challenges in Para. 79 in DSP.
- Would not accord with Vision in Para. 62 of DSP.
- Site would impact on historic local farmsteads (inc. listed building at Betteridge Farm) and local character
- Dickens Heath should be preserved as a 'new village' of intrinsic character.
- Site contrary to NPPF Para. 127d, as it would be isolated and not contained within village boundaries.

Full text:

See attached letter.



Solihull Local Plan (Draft Submission) 2020

Policy BL1 - West of Dickens Heath

Representation ID: 15000

Received: 13/12/2020

Respondent: Tidbury Green Parish Council

Legally compliant? Yes

Sound? No

Duty to co-operate? Yes

Representation Summary:

Part of Site BL1 (parcel south of Tythe Barn Lane) objected to on number of grounds:
Flood Risk:
- Likely site should be re-classfied as Flood Zone 2 as sports fields flood most years.
- As no properties on land, flooding has not been accurately recorded.
- EA proposed land as Critical Drainage Area
- If site to be developed a large balancing lake would be required
- Considerable amount of fill required on site
- Cost of development may not be sustainable
- LLFA investigated options to reduce flood risk in area after May 2018 severed flood event, and included Site BL1/Site 4
- Sequential test not been carried out to steer development away from flood risk areas.

Change suggested by respondent:

Remove part of Site BL1 (south of Tythe Barn Lane) from the plan.

Full text:

See attached letter.



Solihull Local Plan (Draft Submission) 2020

Policy BL1 - West of Dickens Heath

Representation ID: 15001

Received: 13/12/2020

Respondent: Tidbury Green Parish Council

Legally compliant? Yes

Sound? No

Duty to co-operate? Yes

Representation Summary:

Part of Site BL1 (parcel south of Tythe Barn Lane) objected to on number of grounds:
Traffic generation and parking
- Site is not highly accessible as stated in SA;
- In transport terms would only be accessible by rail, and service from Whitlocks End is overloaded and does not go to Solihull town centre
- Traffic would place heavy burden on local roads, which are not A or B class and country lanes
- Site cannot meet objectives of Challenge H (p.18)
- Original village design aimed to reduce traffic flow through village and for 850 dwellings
- Buses cannot pass on some village roads
- Village increased over 1800 dwellings, over 1800 dwellings, and been put under more pressure by recent Lowbrook Farm and Tidbury Green Farm developments; 2,250 dwelling granted PP in Blythe between 2011-2018
- no significant road improvements have accompanied recent developments
- If Site BL1 developed, the proposed highway improvements would require removal of important trees and hegerows, e.g. Dickens Heath Road & Birchy Leasowes Lane junction would involve part removal of ancient woodland
- Tythe Barn Lane is narrow lane, but also commuter route at peak hours, which deters cycling and walking, will only get more congested
- 2016 SHELAA report counted road access to site as poor
- Local Councillor Ken Hawkins has shared concerns about local traffic issues on his blog
- No evidence of traffic assessment carried out for Site BL1
- Mott Macdonald [PRISM] work only for strategic roads


Change suggested by respondent:

Remove part of Site BL1 (south of Tythe Barn Lane) from the plan.

Full text:

See attached letter.



Solihull Local Plan (Draft Submission) 2020

Policy BL1 - West of Dickens Heath

Representation ID: 15002

Received: 13/12/2020

Respondent: Tidbury Green Parish Council

Legally compliant? Yes

Sound? No

Duty to co-operate? Yes

Representation Summary:

Part of Site BL1 (parcel south of Tythe Barn Lane) objected to on number of grounds:
Sport and recreation:
- Loss of substantial area of playing fields with no alternative facilities identified
- Contrary to NPFF Para. 97
- 2016 SHELAA comments site's suitability is adversely impacted by need to replace sports pitches
- Contrary to Policy P18
- Significant local objection to loss of sports fields
- Site BL1 has more playing fields than any other site in LPR

Change suggested by respondent:

Remove part of Site BL1 (south of Tythe Barn Lane) from the plan.

Full text:

See attached letter.



Solihull Local Plan (Draft Submission) 2020

Policy BL1 - West of Dickens Heath

Representation ID: 15003

Received: 13/12/2020

Respondent: Tidbury Green Parish Council

Legally compliant? Yes

Sound? No

Duty to co-operate? Yes

Representation Summary:

Part of Site BL1 (parcel south of Tythe Barn Lane) objected to on number of grounds:
Ecological value:
- Development of site would conflict with DSP's natural environment objectives
- Adverse effect on wildlife and ecological connectivity
- 4 Local Wildlife Sites in immediate vicinity, particularly Little Tythebarn coppice ancient woodland and Tythebarn meadows wetlands
- More LWS within 1km of site
- Appropriate assessment evaluation not been carried out, contrary to NPPF Para. 177
- Wildlife Trust strongly oppose site
- Road junction improvements at Dickens Heath Road/Birchy Leasowes Lane would result in loss of ancient woodland, contrary to protections in NPPF Para. 175
- Contrary to Solihull's Sustainable Community Strategy
- Contrary to Government's 25-year Environment Plan
- Many local authorities asking for 20%, not 10% biodiversity net gain on site.

Change suggested by respondent:

Remove part of Site BL1 (south of Tythe Barn Lane) from the plan.

Full text:

See attached letter.



Solihull Local Plan (Draft Submission) 2020

Policy BL1 - West of Dickens Heath

Representation ID: 15004

Received: 13/12/2020

Respondent: Tidbury Green Parish Council

Legally compliant? Yes

Sound? No

Duty to co-operate? Yes

Representation Summary:

Part of Site BL1 (parcel south of Tythe Barn Lane) objected to on number of grounds:
Historic Landscapes:
- Site within landscape character area of high sensitivity to development
- Contrary to Policy P10 reference to Arden landscape
- Contrary to Council's Woodland Strategy

Change suggested by respondent:

Remove part of Site BL1 (south of Tythe Barn Lane) from the plan.

Full text:

See attached letter.



Solihull Local Plan (Draft Submission) 2020

Policy BL1 - West of Dickens Heath

Representation ID: 15005

Received: 13/12/2020

Respondent: Tidbury Green Parish Council

Legally compliant? Yes

Sound? No

Duty to co-operate? Yes

Representation Summary:

- Delete part of Site BL1, west of Dickens Heath, from the emerging Local Plan Review for the many reasons given above, and
- Retain the field between Akamba, Tythe Barn Lane and the Stratford Canal as land for a sustainable long-term extension of the existing village.
- Retain the remainder of Tidbury Green as “washed over’ Gren Belt status.

Change suggested by respondent:

- Delete part of Site BL1, west of Dickens Heath, from the emerging Local Plan Review for the many reasons given above, and
- Retain part of Site BL1, the field between Akamba, Tythe Barn Lane and the Stratford Canal, as land for a sustainable long-term extension of the existing village.

Full text:

See attached letter.


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