Solihull Local Plan (Draft Submission) 2020

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Solihull Local Plan (Draft Submission) 2020

Knowle, Dorridge & Bentley Heath

Representation ID: 14760

Received: 09/12/2020

Respondent: St Philips Land - Land at Smiths Lane Browns Lane & Widney Manor Road

Agent: Savills

Legally compliant? Yes

Sound? No

Duty to co-operate? Yes

Representation Summary:

The evidence demonstrates that site 207 has limited constraints and is in a very accessible and sustainable location. The allocation of the site could provide additional market and affordable housing to meet Solihull and the Greater Birmingham Housing Market Area’s housing needs (see response to Policy P5) as well as providing land for a community use or other community facility and public open space. It is consider that the benefits of allocating this site within the Local Plan Review far outweigh any potential concerns SMBC have relating to the narrowing of the gap between Bentley Heath and Solihull. We therefore consider that this land should be released from the Green Belt and allocated within the Local Plan Review.

Change suggested by respondent:

Allocate site 207 in the Plan.

Full text:

See attached documents



Solihull Local Plan (Draft Submission) 2020

Policy P4A Meeting Housing Needs – Affordable Housing

Representation ID: 14761

Received: 09/12/2020

Respondent: St Philips Land - Land at Smiths Lane Browns Lane & Widney Manor Road

Agent: Savills

Legally compliant? Yes

Sound? No

Duty to co-operate? Yes

Representation Summary:

Does not provide developers with enough flexibility to consider the mix of housing at the planning application stage. The HEDNA sets out a range of mixes for each dwelling size. We support the Council providing some guidance on housing mix but this should accord with the mix proposed in the HEDNA.
The HEDNA has identified that there is a need for affordable rent within the Borough but there is no provision in the policy. Request the is amended to refer to both affordable rent and social rent.

Change suggested by respondent:

The HEDNA sets out range for the proposed affordable housing mix which provides flexibility, it is not clear how or why the Council has chosen to apply fixed percentage requirements for social rented and shared ownership. Each application for residential development should be considered on its merits and the type and mix of affordable housing should be discussed with the Council’s housing and planning departments at the pre-application stage. We consider that this will make the policy more effective than simply applying a fixed blanket approach across all residential sites in the borough.
Amend Policy P4A to make reference to a requirement for social and affordable rent rather than purely social rent.

Full text:

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Solihull Local Plan (Draft Submission) 2020

Policy P4C – Meeting Housing Needs - Market Housing

Representation ID: 14762

Received: 09/12/2020

Respondent: St Philips Land - Land at Smiths Lane Browns Lane & Widney Manor Road

Agent: Savills

Legally compliant? Yes

Sound? No

Duty to co-operate? Yes

Representation Summary:

Point 3 sets out specific requirements for housing mix. This is not effective as it does not provide developers with flexibility. Housing mix should be considered at application stage in accordance with the HEDNA 2020.
The housing mix proposed in the HEDNA provides a range for each dwelling type which reflects the ‘latest’ evidence in 2020. However, market demand changes so this ‘latest’ evidence may not be representative of need when planning applications are submitted in the future. As developers and national housebuilders have vested interests in building products that are deliverable and meet market needs, Solihull should not have a fixed size and type guidance, as this could affect development viability, lead to inflexibility and result in obstructing development.

Change suggested by respondent:

Request that the Council remove references to mix (point 3) from Policy P4C and insert indicative housing mix ranges in accordance with the HEDNA within the explanatory text. Developers should be ‘encouraged’ not required to accord with the mixes set out in the explanatory text. This is the approach the LPA has taken to density requirements (Policy P5) in the Submission Draft and we consider this flexible approach should be used for market housing mix. Market demand at the time of the application should play an important role in determining the mix of dwellings delivered on a site.

Full text:

See attached documents



Solihull Local Plan (Draft Submission) 2020

Policy P4D – Meeting Housing Needs - Self and Custom Housebuilding

Representation ID: 14763

Received: 09/12/2020

Respondent: St Philips Land - Land at Smiths Lane Browns Lane & Widney Manor Road

Agent: Savills

Legally compliant? Yes

Sound? No

Duty to co-operate? Yes

Representation Summary:

No evidence to justify the percentage requirement for self and custom build. No requirement in the PPG for such plots to be provided as part of allocations.
Whilst the Self Build register may provide an indication of the level of interest, this needs to be analysed further to uncover the specific requirements of respondents.
The register does not test whether people have the means to acquire the land and privately construct their own property. Without this exercise having been undertaken and supporting the Council’s conclusions, the Policy is not justified.
Practical issues of having multiple individual sites within one development need to be considered.

Change suggested by respondent:

The requirement for allocated sites of 100 units or more to provide 5% of open market dwellings in the form of self or custom build plots should be removed from the Local Plan as this policy is not justified or in accordance with national guidance. The provision of self or custom build plots should be the subject of discussion with those who have expressed an interest, and once the Council has an understanding of the type and range of sites that are sought allocations (for example in the form of clusters) should be identified and allocated as self and custom build opportunities around the Borough.

Full text:

See attached documents



Solihull Local Plan (Draft Submission) 2020

Policy P4E – Meeting Housing Needs - Housing for Older and Disabled People

Representation ID: 14764

Received: 09/12/2020

Respondent: St Philips Land - Land at Smiths Lane Browns Lane & Widney Manor Road

Agent: Savills

Legally compliant? Yes

Sound? No

Duty to co-operate? Yes

Representation Summary:

Exceeding minimum building regulation standards is optional and should be justified by evidence.
Requiring all new dwellings to be built to the Category M4(2) standards, will result in larger dwellings and in turn less dwellings being delivered on sites, and inefficient use of land on the Green Belt sites proposed
In terms of flexible application of the policy, none of the criteria in point 5 make reference to the suitability of a site to accommodate accessible dwellings, for example their topography or local demographic.
No justification why 300+ dwellings is threshold for care bedspace provision. No consideration of whether sites may be suitable for such provision or whether providers will be interested.

Change suggested by respondent:

The requirement for all dwellings to be built to Category M4(2) standards should be removed and any proposed requirement should be based on an appropriate assessment of need (including a review of the existing housing stock).
The criteria listed under Point 5 of Policy P4E should be amended to state “Site specific factors which may make step-free access unsuitable or unviable”. For example not every site identified is flat and able to accommodate level access in a uniform matter.
The requirement for 300+ dwellings to deliver specialist housing or care bedspaces should be removed from this policy and specific sites for specialist and senior living should be allocated to deliver this specialist provision. This will ensure that the requirements of Point 6 are met.

Full text:

See attached documents



Solihull Local Plan (Draft Submission) 2020

Policy P5 – Provision of Land for Housing

Representation ID: 14765

Received: 09/12/2020

Respondent: St Philips Land - Land at Smiths Lane Browns Lane & Widney Manor Road

Agent: Savills

Legally compliant? Yes

Sound? No

Duty to co-operate? Yes

Representation Summary:

18% of the proposed housing requirement for the Borough is at the UKC Hub. The majority of dwellings delivered will be apartments. No evidence that the amount of apartments proposed at UK Central Hub is needed, especially when there is an existing family demographic.
The UKC Hub will be unlikely to deliver 2,740 dwellings up to 2036 which could leave a shortfall of circa 700 – 1,000 dwellings . Evidence documents also show different housing figures for the sites.
The revised Standard Methodology could increase the Council’s minimum housing need by 25%. The range of housing growth options that may be derived from changes to the standard method and wider HMA growth requirements should be tested and planned for.
The proposed contribution towards the HMA shortfall is not a sufficient or justified contribution in light of the identified shortfall post-2031 which should be addressed in the Local Plan Review. Additional sites will be required.
Over-reliance on windfall. Council should identify additional sites and allocate and/or safeguarded for residential development.
Contrary to NPPF, point 6 makes no reference to local market conditions and viability when identifying appropriate density and mix for each site.

Change suggested by respondent:

The UK Central Hub area will not deliver 2,740 dwellings in this plan period, an additional contribution should be made towards the HMA shortfall and the revised standard methodology requirement should be taken into consideration by the Council before submitting the Local Plan for Examination. In light of this the Council need to allocate additional sites that have performed well against the Council’s evidence base criteria and are in sustainable locations. The land being promoted by St Philips (Site Reference 207) should be considered for a residential allocation as a high performing site adjacent to the sustainable settlement of Bentley Heath.
Amend Point 6 of Policy P5 to accord with the criteria listed in NPPF Paragraph 122 and amend the indicative densities table on page 76 to set out more realistic densities for the UK Central Hub area if 5,000 dwellings are going to be delivered on the UK Central Site (paragraph 830 of the Submission Draft document).

Full text:

See attached documents



Solihull Local Plan (Draft Submission) 2020

Policy P9 Mitigating and Adapting to Climate Change

Representation ID: 14766

Received: 09/12/2020

Respondent: St Philips Land - Land at Smiths Lane Browns Lane & Widney Manor Road

Agent: Savills

Legally compliant? Yes

Sound? No

Duty to co-operate? Yes

Representation Summary:

Additional requirements on development sites in order to reduce energy demand and minimise carbon dioxide emissions are over and above the requirements of PPG. The PPG states that Local Plans can set higher standards “but only up to the equivalent of Level 4 of the Code for Sustainable Homes”.
In considering viability, Solihull has not sufficiently justified why a 30% uplift is proposed.
The capital cost and land take to achieve the requirement for at least 15% of energy from renewables, should be considered. There is no evidence of this.
With regard to viability, £6000 per dwelling just to meet energy requirements without any other requirements being taken into account is considered significant.

Change suggested by respondent:

Amend Policy P9 to ‘encourage’ development to apply the energy hierarchy to reduce energy demand and minimise carbon dioxide emissions. The policy should state that this will be subject to viability and suitability considerations at the application stage. The requirement to reduce energy demand to over and above Building Regulations Part L should be removed as this does not comply with the PPG.

Full text:

See attached documents



Solihull Local Plan (Draft Submission) 2020

Policy P17 Countryside and Green Belt

Representation ID: 14767

Received: 09/12/2020

Respondent: St Philips Land - Land at Smiths Lane Browns Lane & Widney Manor Road

Agent: Savills

Legally compliant? Yes

Sound? No

Duty to co-operate? Yes

Representation Summary:

The Council should identify areas of land that could be released from the Green Belt in this Local Plan Review and safeguarded for future development should the Council not be able to meet their housing needs or the housing needs of the HMA during the next plan period.
A significant HMA housing shortfall is expected from 2031 so it is likely that Solihull will need to contribute additional dwellings to assist in addressing this.
When identifying potential sites to release from the Green Belt and safeguard,
sites in lower performing Green Belt parcels, which are adjacent to sustainable settlements, accessible and considered suitable, achievable and deliverable in the Council’s SHELAA should be chosen, such as Site 207.

Change suggested by respondent:

To provide a plan which is more effective and responsive to these variables we consider that the Council should have tested a number of scenarios and provided appropriate allocations and safeguarded areas to enable them to flexibly respond to the ever changing circumstances. We request that the Council consider identifying areas of land that could be released from the Green Belt in this Local Plan Review and safeguarded for future development should the Council not be able to meet their housing needs or the housing needs of the HMA during the next plan period. Our client’s site (Site Reference 207) should be considered for a residential and community facility allocation or be safeguarded for future development.

Full text:

See attached documents



Solihull Local Plan (Draft Submission) 2020

Policy P17A Green Belt Compensation

Representation ID: 14768

Received: 09/12/2020

Respondent: St Philips Land - Land at Smiths Lane Browns Lane & Widney Manor Road

Agent: Savills

Legally compliant? Yes

Sound? No

Duty to co-operate? Yes

Representation Summary:

The Council should set out Green Belt compensation projects which can be paid for through CIL. Communities could then identify projects that compensation could fund.
Where compensation cannot be provided on site or would result a reduced net developable area, there should be an effective strategy to enable off site contributions to be made in other locations e.g. through the identification of donor sites.
No indication of how the level of compensation will be determined. A formula or calculation should be provided to allow developers to plan for this requirement on top of the other contributions sought.

Change suggested by respondent:

Request that the Council amend Policy P17A to refer to the use of CIL as well as S106 agreements to set out the Green Belt compensation projects. We also seek confirmation from the Council as to the level of compensation that will be requested for sites removed from the Green Belt.

Full text:

See attached documents


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