Solihull Local Plan (Draft Submission) 2020

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Solihull Local Plan (Draft Submission) 2020

Policy P5 – Provision of Land for Housing

Representation ID: 14575

Received: 11/02/2021

Respondent: Kendrick Homes Ltd

Agent: Tyler Parkes Partnership Ltd

Legally compliant? Yes

Sound? No

Duty to co-operate? Yes

Representation Summary:

Paragraphs: 222, 225 & 226
An objection is submitted to Policy P5 ‘Provision of Land for Housing’, paragraph 222 ‘Solihull Housing Land Supply 2020-2036’, Paragraph 225 ‘Maintaining Housing Land Supply’ and Paragraph 226 ‘Allocated Sites’. It is contended that insufficient ‘deliverable’ sites and ‘developable’ sites and broad locations have been identified to maintain a 5-year housing land supply over the plan period or to accommodate the scale of growth projected up to 2036, undermining the deliverability of P5 – contrary to the requirements of National Planning Policy Framework (NPPF) paragraph 67, 70, and 72 d).
There is also an undue reliance on larger site allocations. The smallest of the allocations being for 50 units. This is contrary to the recommendations in NPPF paragraph 68
In order to ensure deliverability, our Client contends that the small and medium size SHELAA sites with an estimated ‘major’ development capacity of 10 units or more, should be specifically allocated in the SLP This would be a mechanism to provide greater certainty of deliverability and speed up delivery.
There is no evidence to demonstrate that there is a reasonable prospect of all the sites identified in the BLR coming forward for development
Our Client questions the basis on which the windfall allowance has been calculated without evidence to demonstrate that the historic rates. There is no commentary in the evidence documentation to explain if/how an allowance has been made in the historic windfall rates to remove a proportion, which would have come forward through the more recent SHELAA and BLR site identification mechanisms
It is also important to note that the proposed delivery on SHELAA sites, proposed in the Publication version of the SLP, paragraph 225 table, anticipates 200 dwellings to be delivered on SHELAA sites in 5-years from April 2020. This would effectively double the 5-year housing land supply delivery rate proposed in the 2013 SLP’s first 5 years.

Change suggested by respondent:

Evidence is required to:
demonstrate which of the SHLAA sites identified as contributing towards the 5 and 16 year housing land supply in the 2013 SLP have been delivered.
extrapolate the windfall, BLR and SHLAA site completions.
robustly demonstrate the deliverability and developability of all BLR sites, SHELAA sites, and proposed housing allocations.

Where the necessary justification cannot be provided, those SLP housing site allocations, SHELAA sites, BFR sites and planning permissions should be deleted from the SLP and housing land supply information (paragraphs 222 and 225).



Solihull Local Plan (Draft Submission) 2020

Policy P5 – Provision of Land for Housing

Representation ID: 14576

Received: 11/02/2021

Respondent: Kendrick Homes Ltd

Agent: Tyler Parkes Partnership Ltd

Legally compliant? Yes

Sound? No

Duty to co-operate? Yes

Representation Summary:

On behalf of our Clients Kendrick Homes Ltd, who have an interest in the site adjacent 84 School Road, Hockley Heath, to make representations to the Solihull Local
Plan Review 2020. It is submitted that Policy P5 is unsound on the basis that insufficient policy weight has been given to encouraging the development of suitable sites within settlements for housing enabling villages to grow and thrive, especially where this will support local services, at densities in keeping with national and local strategic policies in Neighbourhood Areas – contrary to NPPF paragraphs 65, 122 and 123.

To comply with NPPF paragraph 65, it is important that the Neighbourhood Area housing requirement is included within Policy P5 as a strategic policy requirement,
rather than as part of the supporting text explaining and justifying the approach set out in the policy. Currently, Policy P5 makes no reference to the housing requirement being partly attributed to specific Neighbourhood Areas.

Given that there is unlikely to be an opportunity to test the housing requirement at the Neighbourhood Plan stage, it is important to ensure that the proposed Neighbourhood Area housing requirements and supporting text are not overly restrictive jeopardising the NPPF and local plan objective of meeting the minimum housing requirement over the plan period.

Change suggested by respondent:

A modification is sought to Policy P5 as shown below:
Insert a new paragraph below paragraph 2 of Policy P5, as follows:
‘A proportion of the Borough’s housing requirement will be expected to be delivered in designated Neighbourhood Areas as detailed in the table below. These housing requirement figures are indicative minimum numbers and may be exceeded once detailed permissions have been considered for the sites identified in the land availability assessment, Brownfield Land Register, site allocations within this plan and saved
from the 2013 Local plan and any suitable additional sites which come forward within the settlement boundaries as defined on the Policies Map.’

It is submitted that paragraph 234 should be deleted and replaced by a table of Neighbourhood Areas with the minimum housing requirement listed for each area.

The minimum housing requirement figures currently shown at paragraph 234 should be critically reviewed to reflect the deliverability of the housing land supply sources more realistically. As a minimum, our client submits that an addition of 21% to the numbers proposed at paragraph 234 should be incorporated, to reflect the windfall delivery expectation.



Solihull Local Plan (Draft Submission) 2020

Hockley Heath

Representation ID: 14579

Received: 11/02/2021

Respondent: Kendrick Homes Ltd

Agent: Tyler Parkes Partnership Ltd

Legally compliant? Yes

Sound? No

Duty to co-operate? Yes

Representation Summary:

site 49
Whilst our Client supports the proposed removal of Site No. 49 (Land adjacent 84 School Road, Hockley Heath) from the Green Belt and the proposed settlement boundary amendment at Hockley Heath (as shown on the Policies Map), our Client specifically objects to Paragraph 671 as currently worded and we make the case that the site 49 (Land adjacent 84 School Road, Hockley Heath) should be formally allocated for housing development or at the very least the current uncertainty that the wording of paragraph 671 should be amended.
The land is available now, offers a suitable location for development now, and has a realistic prospect that housing will be delivered on the site within five years.
Paragraph 674 of the SLP accepts the case for the existing ribbon of development on the north side of School Road, which is without any significant gaps warrants removal from the Green Belt, which would include our Client’s site.

Change suggested by respondent:

Paragraphs 671 should be amended as detailed below:

‘In addition to the site south of School Road that would then fall within the settlement boundary, if the Green Belt boundary were amended as described above, there are also two smaller sites that will be considered appropriate for development as they would then also be within the settlement boundary. These sites are not being allocated as part of this plan but are being highlighted as they have been promoted for development by the landowner/developer and if the Green Belt boundary is changed as proposed on the Policies Map they would no longer be subject to Green Belt policy. The details of the scale of development would be established through the planning application process. These are as follows (using the call for site references and the SHELAA for potential indicative capacity):

49 Land adjacent to 84 School Road (capacity 21)

328 land at and to the rear of 84, 86 & 90 School Road (capacity 30)


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