Solihull Local Plan (Draft Submission) 2020
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Solihull Local Plan (Draft Submission) 2020
Balsall Common
Representation ID: 10872
Received: 13/12/2020
Respondent: David Varley
Legally compliant? Yes
Sound? No
Duty to co-operate? No
Ref. BC1 Barratt's Farm Green Belt is not just in the Meriden Gap, it is at the narrowest part of the Gap protecting the merger of Solihull with Coventry. The plan talks about protecting the Meriden gap so why would you choose to build the largest number of homes on one site reducing the gap so significantly at the narrowest point when alternative sites were available.
The site was chosen based on site selection criteria that appeared to need more clarification. Alternative sites in the Borough could have been chosen which would not have reduced the existing Gap.
This site must be removed from the plan in favour of alternatives where delivery can be within the plan period.
Barratt's Farm overlooks the Greenway which has taken 50 years to mature and 5 days to destroy for HS2. The Barratt's Farm site is due for new build in the second and third phase of the plan after HS2 has been completed allowing for an access road/by pass to be built. This site must not be taken out of green belt until the site has funding arranged for the By-pass.
Ref. BC1 Barratt's Farm Green Belt is not just in the Meriden Gap, it is at the narrowest part of the Gap protecting the merger of Solihull with Coventry. The plan talks about protecting the Meriden gap so why would you choose to build the largest number of homes on one site reducing the gap so significantly at the narrowest point when alternative sites were available.
The site was chosen based on site selection criteria that appeared to need more clarification. Alternative sites in the Borough could have been chosen which would not have reduced the existing Gap.