
Draft Local Plan Review

Representation ID: 1061

Received: 12/02/2017

Respondent: Mr Callum Hall

Representation Summary:

The size and location of the Barratt's Farm (Balsall Common) housing area will cripple the village. The centre of the village is already a traffic jam in the peak hours and you are proposing to build 800+ houses in a location where all these homeowners will be driving through the village to go North (to where all the major transport links are).

A relief road to the east of the village will help a little but the existing part of this road is already full of cars parking for the train station and is a dangerous road.

Full text:

The size and location of the Barratt's Farm (Balsall Common) housing area will cripple the village. The centre of the village is already a traffic jam in the peak hours and you are proposing to build 800+ houses in a location where all these homeowners will be driving through the village to go North (to where all the major transport links are).

A relief road to the east of the village will help a little but the existing part of this road is already full of cars parking for the train station and is a dangerous road.