
Draft Local Plan Review

Representation ID: 1080

Received: 12/02/2017

Respondent: Mr Paul Joyner

Representation Summary:

The Barratt's farm development is inappropriate - it is being proposed on greenbelt land, that has no boundary and so could open up development from Balsall Common to Tile Hill. The latest Government white paper states that all other avenues should be investigated before Green Belt land.
The impact on traffic levels in and around the site would be significant, with delayed transport times, congestion, additional pollution and noise.
The delivery of Barratts lane, HS2, by pass, would create an environmental and social divide and impinge on the quality of life of the inhabitants of the east of Balsall Common

Full text:

The Barratt's farm development is inappropriate - it is being proposed on greenbelt land, that has no boundary and so could open up development from Balsall Common to Tile Hill. The latest Government white paper states that all other avenues should be investigated before Green Belt land.
The impact on traffic levels in and around the site would be significant, with delayed transport times, congestion, additional pollution and noise.
The delivery of Barratts lane, HS2, by pass, would create an environmental and social divide and impinge on the quality of life of the inhabitants of the east of Balsall Common