
Draft Local Plan Review

Representation ID: 1156

Received: 08/02/2017

Respondent: Donald Haste

Representation Summary:

Objection to Site 18.

Previous planning applications refused.
Land covenanted for sport use.
Current rugby site not affordable.
Loss of local character.
Add to existing congestion, noise and air pollution
Insufficient local amenities - schools and surgeries.
Long walk from train station.
Loss of green area and wildlife.
Build on brownfield sites for affordable housing.

Full text:

SMBC Planning Dept. Housing allocation 18.
I refer to the proposed housing allocation 18 on the site of Arden Tennis Club and the former Rugby Club grounds off Sharmans Cross Road.
One previous planning application for the Green site was refused and another was withdrawn, this was several years ago.
I recently attended a residents meeting concerning the proposed development as above. I was amazed to hear that once again developers are planning to build on land which is covenanted for sporting purposes. There are precious few of these sites in the Solihull conurbation. Those that are left deserve preservation. Further more as SMBC are the leaseholders of the Green site I don't know why they are even entertaining any proposal to build on such land.
Since developers obtained the lease they have maintained the rugby field. However it has been six or more years since and NO ONE HAS BEEN ABLE TO AFFORD TO USE THE SITE. This would suggest a deliberate act, by making the fee for use so exorbitant that no amateur organisations can afford it. The Developer can then say that no one has used the facility, so it would aid their application. This is very underhand. Is it legal? My comment about this has been included because one of the persons present at the meeting is running a youth football league of about twenty four teams. He mentioned he had attempted to rent the pitch for that use but cost prohibited.
At the meeting it also came out that the developers had approached some official trustee of the Tennis Club with a proposal to build a new tennis club on that of the green site. To include all the facilities already available at the present established club. That would then leave the freehold club site ripe for housing development. This is an improper proposal by underhanded developers. It reeks of profiteering.
I strongly oppose the development on the above comments and the following also.
This is a covenanted green site for sporting purposes and should be used as such. It would be a permanent loss if developed.
One hundred homes on such a small site will be out of character to this part of Solihull. There will be an immense increase of vehicular activity in an already busy area, causing delay, possible danger to public and increased noise plus air pollution.
At present there is only narrow access off Sharmans Cross Road. This would mean other houses would have to be demolished in this or another road.
There are not enough local amenities available. Schools and Surgeries. Those that are, are hard pressed at present to cope. Solihull town centre is a long walk away as is the Rail Station. A few local shops are located in the other direction but are a long walk away. Again vehicle use would be increased.
The green belt of land along that side of Sharmans Cross Road has a diverse amount of flora and fauna which would also suffer from loss of habitat. There are already large amounts of brown field sites being developed mostly for private dwellings and retirement homes. Surely some of those or others could be used for affordable housing.