
Draft Local Plan Review

Representation ID: 1161

Received: 08/02/2017

Respondent: Christine Taylor

Representation Summary:

site 13 objection

Full text:

I would like to register my concern regarding the future development of the Whitlocks End Farm for residential purposes. Whilst being fully aware of the need for houses locally, I would urge the council to bear in mind their commitment to, ' Sustaining the attractiveness of the borough ', etc as quoted on your Reviewing the plan for Solihull's future, page 20.

Challenge E on said document is very specific on maintaining the integrity of the green belt. I would hope that any future residential planning takes account of this commitment. As always with Solihull the need to provide starter homes for young people of this borough is overridden by developers who's only interest is profit and pays scant regard to what is actually needed. Not exclusive, luxury homes, but a range of houses to promote future vibrant communities.

I would be interested to know if Solihull ever gets an undertaking from a builder to provide solely starter homes. Surely this is not beyond the power of the council. Until planning addresses this matter Solihull will continue to be awash with retirement apartments.

Please register my concerns on both these matters with regard to the above development.