
Draft Local Plan Review

Representation ID: 1195

Received: 08/02/2017

Respondent: Robert Blond

Representation Summary:

Object to housing site 18 as it is out of scale and character with the existing area, will increase traffic congestion, air pollution and safety concerns close to Sharmans Cross school, will exacerbate parking problems when Arden sports club hold functions, will result in loss of recreational facility when residents should be being encouraged to play sport, and will threaten trees and wildlife in adjoining Pow Grove wood.

Full text:

LDP - Proposed Housing Allocation 18
I am writing to object to the proposed housing - LDP - Proposed Housing Allocation 18.

1) The proposed housing will destroy the character of the area. Packing this many property's onto a sports field is out of scale and out of character with the existing housing.

2) The increase In traffic will have a serious effect on Sharmans Cross road. Traffic wanting to right out of the proposed development early in the morning will add to the already jammed streets. This will add to the already polluted air as the traffic queues up. The road is also popular with children including ours who walk/bike to school. The proposed new development will obviously increase traffic pollution and safety concerns close the school.

3) Parking with regard to the Arden Club will cause big problems in the future when functions are being held. If you count the cars now when the club is busy you will comprehend how this will cause problems for the club and residents if the proposed development goes ahead.
4) The proposed development is on sports fields! With the increase in obesity we should be encouraging folks to play sport not building houses on sports fields.

5) I am concerned about the mature trees In the area such as the line of oaks and Pow Grove wood. My daughter and I currently delight in seeing a buzzard perched on the rugby post/fence most mornings as we walk to school. The birds, bats and wildlife will be lost if the development goes ahead. The trees will come under increased risk felling.

The area should be used for sports and maybe, through the Woodland Trust, add to the already rich wildlife by planting a few more trees.