
Draft Local Plan Review

Representation ID: 1198

Received: 08/02/2017

Respondent: Mr B Hughes

Representation Summary:

Object to housing site 18 as it would infringe the previously stated support of sports use and require the Council to sell the freehold, will exacerbate the increasing flood risk resulting from increased storm events and the clay soil, exacerbate the already unacceptable level of congestion and gridlock in Sharmans Cross Road and Streetsbrook Road at peak times with impact on quality of life, pollution and safety of children at Sharmans Cross school, and the additional burden on already buckling school and medical services.

Full text:

LDP - Proposed Housing Allocation 18
I was disappointed to read in the local newspaper that the Council are once again considering a planning application for the building of up to one hundred houses on the former rugby ground on Sharmans Cross Road. I recall that a similar application was turned down several years ago as being unsuitable and believe that nothing has changed that would make it suitable now. At the time the Council stated that they would only consider applications for use of the land for sporting facilities and that they would retain the freehold ownership of the land and I trust that the Council has maintained its position as such.
Apart from the fact that the building of housing ( which I presume would require the Council to sell the freehold) does not meet the sporting facilities requirement I would like to register my objection for the following reasons:

I have noticed that over the last few years there appears to be a considerable raising of the water table in the vicinity of Sharmans Cross Road. I corresponded last June with Mr Thomas Barrett of your Highways Services regarding this matter as I along with neighbours experience flooding of large areas of our rear gardens during periods of prolonged rainfall ( I have lived on Sharmans Cross Road for twenty six years and this has only become a problem over the last two to three years). Mr Barrett advised that this was due to a combination of increased storm events and slow draining clay soil. Clearly the building of up to one hundred houses along with the associated driveways and access roads will significantly add to the problem.

The increase traffic that the development would bring to the vicinity will significantly worsen what is already an unacceptable level of congestion along both Sharmans Cross Road and Streetsbrook Road which is at gridlock during peak commuter times. This not only detracts from quality of life for residents in the vicinity but adds to the pollution of the surrounding area.In addition the increase volume of traffic will only add to the dangers that children face that attend the local junior school. The current situation is bad enough with passage up and down Sharmans Cross Road almost impossible at school drop of / collection times due the parking of cars along its total length.

Finally I object to the additional burden this development would place upon local school and medical services which are already buckling under the strain - this can only further degrade the levels of service that are currently available to existing residents.

I trust that the Council will take my objections into account and reject this planning proposal.