
Draft Local Plan Review

Representation ID: 1200

Received: 08/02/2017

Respondent: Victor & Christine Callow

Representation Summary:

Object to housing site 13 due to loss of well used and safe recreational footpath from Woodloes Road to Bills Lane, would exacerbate traffic and pollution in an already busy area, is unnecessary and too much given proposals for sites 11 and 12, and need for upgrading of road, traffic management and schools infrastructure.

Full text:

Allocation 13
We wish to lodge our protest against allocation 13 development on the following grounds:
1. The loss of recreational amenity in destroying the public amenity of walk from Woodloes road to Bills Lane. This is a very well used amenity which was supported by LAYCA paying for necessary fencing. This walk enables the Community to undertake healthy,safe walking on pleasant land which is of GREAT benefit to large numbers of people.
2. The increased traffic will only add to an already extremely busy area with increased pollution very busy traffic.
3. With the proposed development on Light Hall Farm and TRW site we cannot see the need for this development although we fully understand the needs for additional housing but this just seems one development too far.
4.The infrastructure will need to be upgraded in terms of schools, roads and traffic management and who will pay for this additional cost without increasing council tax, when cuts everywhere are being made by the government.