
Draft Local Plan Review

Representation ID: 1204

Received: 08/02/2017

Respondent: Nicola Moriarty

Representation Summary:

Object to housing site 18 as a large development of this type is not in keeping with the character of the surrounding neighbourhood and houses, will exacerbate already significant peak hours traffic congestion on Sharmans Cross Road and at junction with Streetsbrook Road where accidents have occurred, on what is an important route for pedestrians and children, will contravene covenant on use of land for sporting purposes at a time when retaining sports grounds is vital for health and well being, and lead to loss of natural habitat and wildlife.

Full text:

LDP- Proposed Housing Allocation 18
As a resident of Sharmans Cross Rd Solihull, B91 1RQ, I would like to formally object to the proposed development as detailed above.
The reasons for my objection are;
1. A large development of this type is not in keeping with the character of the surrounding neighbourhood and houses. I understand that there is a possibility of houses of more then 2 stories so the skyline will be distorted as well as the loss of light and privacy for the surrounding properties.
2. Obviously with a development of this size traffic will increase significantly on the road, a road that already sees nose to tail traffic in rush hours, has single and double yellow lines on parts of the road and most importantly is a busy pedestrian route for school children and train commuters as well as though who walk into Solihull for work. The junction of Sharmans Cross Road/Streetsbrook Rd is already a notoriously dangerous one to navigate and has seen several accidents, these statistics will no doubt increase due to the additional cars that will be using the roads should this development be sanctioned.
3. Another point is on the subject of land usage, I understand the land was gifted to yourselves by a local resident who placed a covenant on the land saying that it had to be used for sporting purposes, with an ever increasing obesity epidemic sweeping the nation it is vital we fight to retain our existing sports grounds particularly for our children so they can maintain/ obtain a healthy and balance lifestyle in their locality.
4. My last point is in relation to the local wildlife in the area, particularly in the woods next to the rugby club, we have regularly seen have badgers, foxes, owls, sparrow hawks and several more - some of these animal numbers are dwindling again is it imperative we fight to retain the natural habitat for these precious creatures.