
Draft Local Plan Review

Representation ID: 1212

Received: 08/02/2017

Respondent: Ralph Holden

Representation Summary:

Object to housing site 18 as schools already overcrowded, will exacerbate flooding in area, parking is very difficult, and loss of valuable venue for sporting activities for current and future generations.

Full text:

LDP-Proposed Housing Allocation 18
We strongly object to this development on the following grounds

1) Schools are already over crowded without this adding to the problem in the near future.
2) Flooding, Sharman's cross Road already suffers from flooding as does Woodside Way, this will only make things worst, and will eventually add to your costs to clear the mess up, and added costs for your preventative measure for the future.
3) Parking is already a pain in the surrounding areas, without this adding to a problem.
4) The use of this land was for the use of various sporting events. Once you over turn this, we will loose a valuable venue for sports for all and in particular, to our younger generations to come.

We implore to re-think on what the long term effects will have, not only the immediate area but the Borough as a whole.