
Draft Local Plan Review

Representation ID: 128

Received: 05/12/2016

Respondent: Wendy Stilgoe

Representation Summary:

The fields are important to the local community and the playing fields are used by Heart of England School.
There is heavy traffic at school times and additional development could lead to accidents.

Full text:

Why oh why has it been decided by Solihull Council to build yet more houses than first mooted, indeed, right up to Holly Lane.
Have you no idea what these fields mean to children and adults alike who presently walk and play there, pick black currants there in Autumn, exercise their dogs, and have picnics with little children, not to mention the Mighty Oaks in all their splendour?
The fields are used regularly by the Heart of England School for long distant running and football.
Please do not build on our countryside.
We write in the hope that you may stop the proposed new development above.

Living in the above road, and no longer working, we see the mayhem caused by heavy traffic at school times. Indeed, those parents having to drive their children to school seem to abandon their cars just anywhere for the lack of space. It is fortunate there has not yet been an accident.

Assuming most of the homes to be built will each have 1plus child who will walk to school - their route to school is by pavement which could spill over onto the road where DANGER LIES.

Please think again for the children's sake.

If not for the above alone .. think what you are destroying - Greenbelt Land enjoyed by all - picnicking in summer - footballing in the Autumn and Spring - open spaces for dog walkers etc.

There must be other places for you to use that will not destroy the above and so that our children can run free in safety