
Draft Local Plan Review

Representation ID: 1284

Received: 08/02/2017

Respondent: Alyson Guiel

Representation Summary:

Object to site 18 as insufficient primary and secondary schools for additional residents, medical facilities already struggling to manage existing demands which may mean more people having to travel further afield, will exacerbate existing traffic congestion and queues especially in peak times, and the existing facilities are enjoyed by many.

Full text:

Ldp proposed housing allocation 18
I object to the proposed development strongly for the following reasons:-

Insufficient primary and secondary schools already. I have a child in year five and I am already concerned she won't get into the school of our choice. Not a single secondary school has been built in Solihull since I was at school in the eighties.

Gp surgeries are already struggling to accommodate existing population. Will Solihull hospital be able to absorb more patients or will more people have to travel further afield to heartlands?

Anyone who battles the rush hour traffic will have experienced the queues around the area which will be exacerbated further.

So many families enjoy the facilities currently in situ. Where is the regard for current tax payers?