
Draft Local Plan Review

Representation ID: 129

Received: 05/12/2016

Respondent: Mr & Mrs Brad & Eleanor Lee

Representation Summary:

Frog Lane and the playing fields is used to walk dogs. It is used by local sports clubs.
Balsall Street East is already congested at school pick-up time. There will be increased parking problems. The facilities in Balsall Common will not be able to cope with this increase in population.
Why is a green field site being considered over other brownfield sites that were initially identified.

Full text:

We write with regard to the proposed housing development on 'FROG LANE' Balsall Common.
We are strongly against said development due to the following points:

1. Frog Lane is used by our family everyday to walk our dog. We enter the playing field from the Frog Lane entrance and meet other regular dog walkers everyday. If this site is used for housing, where do you propose we go? There are no other green spaces close-by that we can use for this purpose. On the weekends we walk around the local football teams training or playing matches, what will happen to these teams?

2. Congestion- I would recommend that someone from Solihull council come and try to get down Balsall Street East at school drop off and pick up! Cars are parked on both sides of the road from Welby Gate right through to Alder Lane and if we want to leave our house, we have to time it so that it doesn't coincide with this time. Once the new housing development on Kenilworth Road are all sold this will increase school numbers again considerably and cause more parking problems. To add to this by having a further housing development in Frog Lane, does not make any sense whatsoever and will cause extensive congestion as well as increased pollution.

3. Amenities - Balsall Common is a village. The amenities we have are built to cope with a village population. From the local schools to the facilities for parking at the local shops, we will not be able to cope with this increase in population.

Lastly.....this is a GREEN Field site! Why is this even being considered! It is our understanding that there are other BROWN Field sites that were identified originally, Frog Lane was never ever highlighted as a possibility! Are we not supposed to be protecting our countryside!!