
Draft Local Plan Review

Representation ID: 1297

Received: 08/02/2017

Respondent: Neeta Karelia

Representation Summary:

Object to housing site 18 as loss of green space and increased traffic will ruin character and local wildlife, additional residents will put more pressure on schools and medical facilities already subject to high demand, development will exacerbate traffic congestion, delays and pollution around Sharmans Cross roundabout creating difficulties using road for work and schools, and safety risk for younger users, and destruction of sports ground will ruin the appearance and appeal of Solihull.

Full text:

LDP- Proposed Housing Allocation 18
I am writing to object to the development proposed for 100 houses on the rugby ground on Sharmans Cross Road.

I enjoy Solihull because of the natural beauty and picturesque local green areas. This includes the parks and large trees dotted around the town. The design of this vibrant town will be disturbed by this new development. There is often the sound of birds and wildlife; I enjoy taking a stroll around my block but consider this will be ruined with the increase traffic and destruction of natural green space.

There is already high demand for services such as schools and the local hospital. This demand will be subject to even more pressure which I don't think will be beneficial to the community.

There is already an issue with traffic around the Sharmans Cross roundabout- both at peak time and otherwise. I consider this problem will be worse with increased traffic and pollution. I cannot see how it would be sustainable for local residents using this road for work/schools during peak times. The delays will will cause immense pressure to road users and pedestrians. I also fear a health a safety risk for the younger users given the increased traffic.

Solihull is a wonderful place to live and a large part of its appeal is the natural space. It's makes up the dynamic of this green town that currently combines elements of urban life with green spots. The destruction of a rugby ground will ruin the appearance and appeal of this town.

I trust these concerns will be noted.