
Draft Local Plan Review

Representation ID: 1299

Received: 08/02/2017

Respondent: Theresa Rogers-Garvey

Representation Summary:

Object to housing on site 18 as will exacerbate already considerable morning peak time congestion and gridlock on Sharmans Cross, Stonor Park and Streetsbrook Roads, with attendant risks to safety of children walking to school, the development involves overdevelopment which will destroy local character, additional residents will result in degradation of local services with schools and medical facilities already oversubscribed, the impact of the cumulative loss of sports facilities, and will increase flooding problems in future.

Full text:

LDP-proposed housing allocation 18
I wish to formally object to Solihull Metropolitan Bourough Councils (SMBC) proposal to build 100 houses on the rugby ground on Sharmans Cross Road, Solihull. The reasons for my objection are;

1. Increased traffic and pollution-I live on Stonor Park Road and there is already considerable congestion ( or grid lock!!) along Stonor Park Road, Sherman's Cross Road and Streetsbrook Road from approximately 7.30-9.30 am. My daughters walk to school each day and have to negotiate crossing Streetsbrook Road, I already fear for their safety and have real concerns that a development of this magnitude will just cause more congestion.

2. Suitability- in my personal opinion, the proposed development is unacceptable, is a total overdevelopment of the site and will most certainly destroy the character of my neighbourhood.

3. Schools and medical provision- both the GP surgeries and local schools are already oversubscribed, I believe a development of this size will lead to a degradation of services for local residents.

4. Loss of sporting facilities-I have concerns about the fact this is one of five sports grounds at risk in the LDP within Solihull.

5. Flooding-I often avoid using this road during heavy rain as it floods, surely this development will increase such problems.