
Draft Local Plan Review

Representation ID: 1302

Received: 08/02/2017

Respondent: Julie Jones

Representation Summary:

Object to housing sites in Shirley as unfair that 41% of new houses are proposed on Green Belt land adjacent to Shirley when other areas are more suitable, the developments will be on top of the huge increase in new homes in recent years and local infrastructure, including roads such as Bills Lane, schools and medical facilities will be unable to cope, the area is overdeveloped and very busy so the adjacent Green Belt is vital in bringing many benefits to the area.

Full text:

Draft local plan review - Shirley
I wish to object to the proposed sites in Shirley. It is unfair that 41% of the houses in the plan are on sites neighbouring Shirley. I understand the need for more homes but would query why this area has to lose its Green Belt when other areas are more suitable.

This area has already seen a huge increase in new homes in recent years and the road infrastructure cannot possibly cope with another increase in traffic. I live on Bills Lane and it is almost impossible to exit my own drive in the rush hour. This will also impact on school places and GP services.

Shirley has become a very busy, over developed community. The adjacent green belt is therefore vital and brings many benefits to the area. Please reconsider the location of the proposed sites.