
Draft Local Plan Review

Representation ID: 132

Received: 07/12/2016

Respondent: Diane & Andrew Cunningham

Representation Summary:

Frog Lane is a greenfield site. Why has it been earmarked in preference to available brown field sites in the area?
The south of Balsall Common is the most congested part of the village so why are you proposing yet another development here?
The playing fields are a valuable public amenity. Local football teams use it regularly. Dog walkers also use it regularly.
Schools are full. Doctors surgeries are full. Lack of decent shopping amenities and parking is a nightmare.

Full text:

We strongly object to the proposals to develop land in Frog Lane and Holly Lane Playing Fields in Balsall Common.
Particularly Holly Lane playing fields which has been added to the list at the last minute with no consultation. This latter part is underhand and sneaky!!!!

Frog Lane is a greenfield site. Why has it been earmarked in preference to available brown field sites in the area ?? It is almost two miles from local amenities and supposed to be unsustainable according to Government planning guidelines.

According to SMBC's latest strategy publication the south of Balsall Common is the most congested part of the village so why are you proposing yet another development here ???

The playing fields are a valuable public amenity.Local football teams use it regularly. Dog walkers also use it regularly Government guidelines stipulate that these type of amenities should be preserved at all costs. Why is SMBC ignoring these guidelines????

There is more than sufficient stealing of greenbelt land going on in this area without any thought being given to public services. Schools are full. Doctors surgeries are full. Lack of decent shopping amenities and parking is a nightmare.

If you have to build then please do it on brownfield sites and do not rob us of what little green areas we have left.