
Draft Local Plan Review

Representation ID: 133

Received: 08/12/2016

Respondent: Mrs Janet Purnell

Representation Summary:

Frog Lane is a Green Field site. Why has it been preferred to other available Brown Field sites?
Why was the playing field added at such a late stage without any public consultation or knowledge?
Solihull Connected acknowledges that the south of Balsall Common is the most congested part of the village. Why propose another development here?
Brown Field sites to the north were identified and appeared in the original shortlist of potential sites.
The playing fields are a valuable, well used public amenity.

Full text:

I/We wish to object to the above development for the following reasons:

1. Frog Lane is a Green Field site. Why has it been preferred to other available Brown Field sites?

2. Why was the playing field added at such a late stage without any public consultation or knowledge?

3. Solihull Connected (SMBC's latest transport strategy publication) acknowledges that the south of Balsall Common is the most congested part of the village, so why propose another development here? Particularly given that Brown Field sites to the north were identified and appeared in the original shortlist of potential sites. It does not make sense!

4. The playing fields are a valuable public amenity, well used by local football teams, families and dog walkers. Government guidelines stipulate that they should be preserved and protected at all costs. Why is SMBC ignoring these guidelines?