
Draft Local Plan Review

Representation ID: 1330

Received: 09/02/2017

Respondent: Pauline Daniels

Representation Summary:

Object to housing site 13 due to loss of Green Belt and the public amenity recreation fields provided by the Layca Community Association. Shirley has become so commercialised with car showrooms, too many supermarkets and out of town shopping with inadequate parking for employees, which cause the area to be totally gridlocked during peak times and high pollution levels. Loss of greenspace and wildlife habitat at Shirley Park and Green Belt including an unnecessary MSA, whilst Powergen has remained undeveloped. Family housing should be freed up by building elderly persons retirement properties, which would avoid building on greenfield land.

Full text:

Solihull plan for new housing in Shirley
I strongly oppose building of houses on the green belt around Bills Lane and the back of Lancomb Road especially the public amenity recreation fields provided by the Layca Community Association in lieu of land on the corner of Hathaway Road that the society gave up for building of houses.

If housing is so desperately needed why has the building Powergen been allowed to stand empty for so long. We have already lost parkland to Asda.

Shirley has become so industrialised with car show rooms, supermarkets and out of town shopping the area becomes totally gridlocked during busy times especially weekends. Most of the new businesses do not provide parking for their employees who are forced to find parking in local hotels and residential areas. Shirley has become a dumping ground for every shopping amenity Solihull did not have. How many supermarkets do we need. We are totally ignored when we raise objections.

We are lucky to have green spaces which we all cherish for our children and well being. Beautiful wildlife the young ones would not be able to enjoy and learn from would disappear. I hate to think what the pollution levels are like at the moment with the amount of traffic in the area and the motorway down the road must churn out. Plus our extra 'beautiful ' new service station that has been forced upon us . Why there is a need for such a service station in an area where you can already get petrol 24hrs and also food right on the motorway junction is beyond me.

Affordable housing is required yes. It is about time the builders were told that affordable housing does not have five bedrooms and three bathrooms. Many new lovely elderly retirement properties have been built in the area. The residents of these new properties are all leaving houses to go back into the 'pot' for housing for families. I am sure with some ingenuity and help from local knowledge, not just here but all over the country, our green and cherished land could be saved.

Please listen to the people.