
Draft Local Plan Review

Representation ID: 1333

Received: 09/02/2017

Respondent: Pauline Owen

Representation Summary:

Object to housing site 18 as Sharmans Cross Road is a very busy road and additional people and vehicles will cause chaos in peak times, as Streetsbrook Road and town centre are gridlocked, building on green fields will exacerbate flooding problems in the road, and will worsen the existing parking problem with school, sports clubs and commuter parking.

Full text:

LDP-Proposed Housing Allocation 18
I live at No 20 Sharmans Cross Road which is opposite the entrance/exit of the proposed new estate to be built on the former Birmingham & Solihull Rugby ground.

Sharmans Cross Road is already a very busy Road as it is a cut through from Birmingham to Solihull.

The proposal of 100 houses with the resulting people, in vehicles, spilling out onto Sharmans Cross Road will cause chaos in the morning traffic, which is usually stationery outside my house during peak times because of the build up of traffic on Streetsbrook Road. This is due to the fact that Solihull Centre is gridlocked.

I am unable to leave my drive when I have to go for early hospital appointments because of the volume of cars queuing to get onto Streetsbrook Road, what should take 10 minutes usually takes about 25 minutes at the moment, I dread to think what it will be in the future if this proposal goes ahead.

The idea of building 100 houses on a small piece of land at the back of established houses and try and integrate the people and vehicles into the existing facilities is totally impractical. At the moment when it rains heavily the road floods, what will happen when that parcel of land, which soaks up the rain at the moment, is covered in concrete where will the water go! We already have a parking problem with the school, football club and the people using the side roads for parking and walking to Solihull. What you are proposing to do is to add to the problems.

These ideas all look very well on paper but when you build an estate of 100 houses in such a small environment you impact on the daily lives of the people already living there and not in a good way. Please think again.