
Draft Local Plan Review

Representation ID: 1336

Received: 09/02/2017

Respondent: R Reed

Representation Summary:

Object to housing sites 11, 12 and 13 as a disproportionate number of the Borough's housing requirement are targeted on the South Shirley area, development will destroy valuable green spaces which provide for healthy exercise and mental well being, the areas proposed provide a green buffer between South Shirley and Dickens Heath and development will destroy the distinctiveness of individual communities, development will increase traffic significantly on country roads and loss of wildlife habitats.

Full text:

proposed development in South Shirley
I wish to register my objection to the possible development for significant future housing developments in the South Shirley area of the Borough.

1.A disproportionate number of the houses which the government require the borough to take are targeted on the South Shirley part of the borough.

2.If these houses are built they will destroy valuable green areas which provide open space amenities for a significant number of residents and provide for healthy exercise and mental well being.

3.The areas proposed ,particularly area 13, provide a green buffer between South Shirley and the large Dickens Heath development.Filling in with so many houses will destroying the individuality of these individual communities.

4.The developments will ,inevitably, increase traffic significantly on the country roads in the surrounding area.

5.If planning is granted then there will be further issues raised concerning the special wildlife which are to be found in this particular area.