
Draft Local Plan Review

Representation ID: 1339

Received: 14/02/2017

Respondent: Chris Ready

Representation Summary:

Object to housing site 13, on top of development of Dickens Heath which has continually grown and adds to the already horrendous levels of traffic on Tanworth Lane and surrounding roads during peak hours, further development will not be sustainable within any proposed infrastructure. There are Green Belt sites around Dorridge/Knowle and other areas where development could be located, without discriminating further against South Shirley or worsening local air pollution. Retaining this green space within walking distance is vital as a respite from traffic and for physical and mental wellbeing.

Full text:

I wish to lodge my very strong objections to the proposed building over the green belt land from Tanworth Lane and across to Bills Woods.

The people of South Shirley have had to endure the erection of Dickens Heath (town) and this has increased in size by stealth with new phases being continually added on.

The traffic is now at horrendous levels during early morning and evening.
The line of traffic extends from the junction at the top end of Tanworth Lane all the way past Stretton Road and sometimes down to my own house at number 96 as the traffic travelling along from Dickens Heath is virtually nonstop. Stretton Road also becomes congested as the traffic cannot get in to Tanworth Lane because of the traffic backed up there. Once we make it onto the Stratford road off Dog Kennel Lane, the traffic is backed up both ways on the approach from and to the M42.
On an evening the traffic then backs up all along Dog Kennel Lane back to the Stratford Road.

How can a sane person think that building even more housing in our area is going to be sustainable within any proposed infrastructure?

Why does this council think that it's acceptable to pen us in even further in South Shirley when there are green belt sites around the Dorridge/Knowle and other areas?
Would this be because perhaps the South Shirley population on the whole probably does not have the money, power, influence or status as some Dorridge residents may be deemed to have? Why are we, and our children thought of as not needing the afforded 'luxury' of some accessible clean air as residents in other parts of the Borough?
This smacks of discrimination in my view.

We have so much traffic travelling around us that they only respite we have for our families, within walking distance, is the exact place you have proposed to now take away from us. We would have to get into a car to get some fresh air, which is kind of ironic as it clearly all adds on to the problems we have regarding traffic.

It's vital to both young and older people's, physical and mental wellbeing to have open, pollution free spaces within which to escape to.

We hear that builders, counsellors and relevant landowners between them have already made up their minds to do this and this is shameful.

Yes, new housing will need to be built but why oh why concentrate it on South Shirley once again??