
Draft Local Plan Review

Representation ID: 135

Received: 11/12/2016

Respondent: Susan Woodhouse

Representation Summary:

Site is 1.5 miles from local amenities.
Building on playing fields.
Preference of greenfield site over more accessible brownfield sites in the village.
Development would create traffic chaos and is it feasible to widen Frog Lane? This would destroy its character.
Impact on hedgerows and wildlife which would be displaced.

Full text:

I am writing to express my opposition to the recent proposed development in Frog Lane, Balsall Common and the adjacent playing fields. I have been resident in Frog Lane for just two years now having completed a self build property known as Foxglove Cottage in July 2014.

My objections are based on the following factors as follows:

* The proposed development does not meet Government planning guidelines in many respects,being 1.5 miles from local amenities, building on the playing fields -a public amenity and showing preference to a green belt site over more accessible Brown Field sites in the village.Why is SMBC ignoring these guidelines?
* My reason for choosing a building plot in Frog Lane was because it was in the green belt and offered a unique site in a lane which has probably not changed much in centuries. Why has a green belt site been favoured rather than the Brown Field sites to the north of the village where the transport and roads are better? Frog Lane is single track in places and, consequently, during the build of my single house this caused real access problems for the neighbours and road users in general being closed and dug up four times over the last three years by the utility companies The proposed large housing development would create chaos and not be practical without major widening to the lane. Is this feasible as there are listed buildings on either side of the road at its narrowest point?
* Widening would thus destroy its character and the amenity value to the local community as Frog Lane is used recreationally by horse riders,cyclists from far afield, local walkers, parents and their children on the way to the playing fields. Why has the playing field been added at such a late stage? I was told by the developer who has secured the land behind the houses in Balsall St East (at the exhibition regarding the plans in St Peter's Hall in September ) that Frog lane would not be affected and now this has all changed. Why?
* On an environmental note,the hedgerows are full of blackberries and cobnuts in the autumn and locals pick these with their children. This habitat will be all destroyed if the lane has to be widened.The lane and surrounding fields are full of wild life- rabbits, badgers, moles, foxes and stoats plus many species of birds and all will be displaced by the proposed urbanisation.
I would urge you to give this planning proposal much more consideration as it will be detrimental for the village as a whole and look forward to your early response.