
Draft Local Plan Review

Representation ID: 1373

Received: 09/02/2017

Respondent: Mrs Amanda Donlon

Representation Summary:

Object to housing site 18 as will have a serious effect on congestion, road safety, roadside parking and pollution from traffic, which is already an issue with numerous accidents, gridlock in peak hours and inconsiderate school parking creating a dangerous situation that will be made much worse. Loss of sports ground when there is a shortage of sports facilities, which will need to be replaced and Council policy is to retain the site for sports use. Will worsen existing flooding problems on Sharmans Cross Road.

Full text:

LDP - Proposed Housing Allocation 18
Please accept this email as my formal objection to the proposed development of a hundred new houses on Sharmans Cross Road on the following grounds:
Increased traffic and pollution and parking - This development will have a serious effect on road safety for drivers and pedestrians. There is already an issue in the area and there have been numerous road accidents since we moved in 4 years ago on Streetsbrook Road around the junction with Dorchester Road, Sharmans Cross Road and Stonor Park Road. We already have gridlock on Sharmans Cross and Stonor Park in the mornings and evenings at peak rush hour going onto a heavily congested Streetsbrook Road, traffic from a further 100 houses will quite simply add to an already dangerous situation. I myself have called into the council with complaints about parking and vehicle access on Sharmans Cross Road during drop off and pickup from school. On one occasion witnessed personally a bus mounted the curb and drove partially on the pavement to be able to continue on it's route, hardly safe when the kids are leaving school. This is due to the parking of parents picking up children. I really think it's dangerous now, I dread to think what will happen with an increased number of vehicles.
Loss of sports facilities. - This ground is currently used as a sports ground, in Solihull we already have a shortage of sports facilities. If this sports ground is eaten up by a housing development how do Solihull Council propose to replace this? I understand SMBC has a statutory requirement to do so. In my opinion this sports facility is still very much needed. I also understand that in 2013 SMBC formally minuted your policy with regard to the use of the grounds only for sport and you would not sell the freehold. Please confirm your current stance on this.
Flooding - there are already flooding issues on Sharmans Cross Road during heavy rain. If this development went ahead this will make this problem worse having a knock on effect to the surrounding properties.