
Draft Local Plan Review

Representation ID: 1376

Received: 09/02/2017

Respondent: Karen O'Rourke

Representation Summary:

Objecting to the site principally on two grounds:
that it will impact on the local road network and other infrastructure (schools cited).
that it will result in greater flooding through the loss of green/open space.

Full text:

LDP - Proposed Housing Allocation 18
I am writing to lodge my objection to the proposed development of the former Solihull RFC pitches behind Sharmans Cross Road. I currently reside at 45 Sharmans Cross Road and believe this proposed development will directly impact me and many others who live on the road and in the surrounding area. Whilst I think this land should be used, I believe the density of the proposed development will leave the local road network and facilities such as the junior and infants school unable to cope. During rush hour, Sharmans Cross Road is already completely blocked by stationary traffic all the way from the junction with Streetsbrook Road to the school. The impact on the cars of another 100 homes pulling out directly into this traffic is obvious and will place the safety of the children walking to school at increased risk.

There is also the issue of flooding - the impact of paving over of such a large area of green land can only increase the already high risk of flooding occurring and Sharmans Cross Road is already frequently covered by over six inches of water up by the school. It is such a shame that the land cannot be used in a sporting capacity and I understand that Solihull Council formally minuted that they would not sell the freehold of grounds used for sport. With minimal investment, this area could be turned into a wonderful resource for grass roots sports in the area - rather than paving it over and cramming it with properties that are completely out of keeping with the area just to line a developer's pockets. There were very good reasons for denying the application in 2009 and they still stand and are just as valid today.