
Draft Local Plan Review

Representation ID: 1378

Received: 09/02/2017

Respondent: Mary Jones

Representation Summary:

objecting to the planning application on a number of grounds (car parking, and road infrastructure pressures, need to retain as sports/leisure facility,flooding)

Full text:

LDP - Proposed Housing Allocation 18
I am vehemently opposed to the above planning application. My main objections are as set out below:

1. The land in question is not adequate to sustain and facilitate 100 dwellings which inevitably would be so densely packed that any spaces for cars to park would be so limited which could well cause parking to overflow into Sharmans Cross Road and beyond into the side roads. The extra cars coming out of the development would cause further traffic chaos, misery and pollution along Sharmans Cross Road adding further hazards to children coming and going to Sharmans Cross School and also to cyclists using the road.

2. The site in question is earmarked for recreational and sport use and on these grounds alone the site should be kept and used for such purpose. We desperately need to keep our sporting land for the future wellbeing of the local residents and their children - to lose these facilities would be totally wrong.

3. I believe that the local amenities which are already overburdened such as schools and medical centres would find it hard to accommodate further demand on their resources hence leading to a poorer level of service.

4. This land is surrounded by old woodland the wildlife from which also enjoy the open space and this development would have a detrimental effect on our already diminishing wildlife in this area.

5. Sharmans Cross Road is prone to flooding in heavy rainfall and concreting over such a large area of land would inevitably lead to more flooding not only of the road, but flooding may well occur elsewhere in the vicinity which has never before experienced flooding.

6. The density and design of the development would be totally out of keeping with the surrounding properties and I feel would inevitably lead to a loss of light and privacy for some of these residents.