
Draft Local Plan Review

Representation ID: 1381

Received: 09/02/2017

Respondent: Miss Nicola Jefferies

Representation Summary:

site 13 objection due to the loss of open space and impact that it has on the users of the fields, the impact on infrastructure.

Full text:

Allocation 13
I am writing with my objections to the building of houses on allocation 13 in Shirley, solihull.

Me and my family are regular visitors to this area and have spent hours and hours exploring this land.
Even during Xmas we were there every day with our dog.
It is absolutely beautifull on every season of the year, we not only socialise but excercise at the same time without realising. There is so much wildlife to be seen.
My children are devastated to think that the owls, birds, foxes, bats etc will now have there homes demolished.
There is a beautiful stream and a duck pond there also which we already had plans to be picnicking and cycling around this summer.

The elderly people have dogs and love to socialise too, without this field so close to home I'm sure they will be feeling depressed and confined to there homes.

Many people have bought there homes in Shirley to appreaciate these open spaces and I cannot understand how you can now be build over them.

The doctors, dentists, schools and hospitals are already so overcrowded I also cannot understand how you can be overloading these services even more.

Football pitches being taken away, this is a joke, kids need to be excercising more.

The roads round here are already a joke and you are adding to this problem also.

I have added a picture that my children have made!

You really shouldn't be taking away this natural beautiful land, please think twice before you do it!