
Draft Local Plan Review

Representation ID: 1383

Received: 09/02/2017

Respondent: Christine Stajka

Representation Summary:

objecting to the overall number of housing being proposed in and around Shirley (including DH) as it lead to loss of green/open space, increase congestion on roads as well as impacting on schools, and medical facilities.

Full text:

Objection to building on Site 13
I am completely in agreement that new housing must become a priority for our country if we want our future generations to have homes where they can live in peace and be free to bring up families.
But ......
There must be thought and consideration when planning where these homes are to be built. Other major cities in Europe are more populated than London and Birmingham and have more countryside nearby than our major cities. We need to make the best use of the land available. We need to employ architects that are imaginative - one of the most desirable places to live in London are Kensington and Chelsea and yet these are densely populated. Getting people to live in town centres, within walking distance of shops, pubs and cafes, won't just create lively new communities - it will provide - a much needed boost for local businesses. Train stations, car parks and warehouses could be moved underground and derelict ground near railways could be used. We must build above shops and revitalise our High Streets, without ruining the skyline (see Madrid, it has wide boulevards and low-rise buildings, yet it is home to more than 3.5 times as many people per hectare as London). There is no need to use green belt and tear up our precious countryside.

Solihull, especially Shirley seems to be taking the brunt of the regeneration programme. According to plans there will be non-stop housing from Stratford Road to Cheswick Green. Families living in this rabbit warren will need recreation land to survive and Site 13 is perfect for this. It has played a massive part in the health and well-being of the local community for many years and must be safeguarded as such. It will be all the more important if families living in the proposed houses are to be content. This land was given by the LAYCA Community Association under an agreement with Solihull Council to provide an informal recreation area for the then recently constructed estate (Woodloes rd, Baxters rd and Stretton rd). Surely, as well as building on green belt land the council will not renegade on this agreement as well.?

The main roads in the area are very congested especially during peak times, it will make it very difficult to enjoy living in Shirley if commuting takes even longer. Schools are full and short of money, unable to afford to build extra classrooms; doctors surgeries are buckling under the weight of their patients, G.Ps unable to cope. We need to take all aspects of 'living' into consideration. Plans for 2550 homes to be built in a small concentrated area in Shirley is too much, we ask for Site 13 to be left as an open space. The shortfall will be approx. 600 houses, these could be accommodated in other infill sites in the area such as Dorridge.
Dickens Heath is also being expanded, we need a coalescence between DH and Shirley, site 13 is perfect for this. This area is and should remain as an area of public space for the benefit of the present and the new community.