
Draft Local Plan Review

Representation ID: 1387

Received: 09/02/2017

Respondent: Terry Lloyd

Representation Summary:

objecting as the development would lead to increase traffic congestion and pressure on local services

Full text:

House build off Sharmans Cross Road
Reference the proposed build of one hundred dwellings, I would like to register my objection due to the building on recreational open space along with the following reasons.
Currently living on Streetsbrook Road there is always road congestion early morning and late afternoon caused by the Sharmans Road junction, with the additional traffic which would be generated by the houses this would make the junction a lot more dangerous than it already is, due to the fact there are three roads all joining at this point.
The entrance and exit to these dwellings would also be a safety issue to children and parents accessing the nearby school.
Do the current utility services have the extra capacity to take on the extra loading probably not.
At school time there is significant congestion with parents parked cars local bus services and general traffic.
The additional complex would also not be of the same or similarly designed residences as are already within the area.