
Draft Local Plan Review

Representation ID: 1388

Received: 09/02/2017

Respondent: Patricia Mangan

Representation Summary:

increased traffic, pressure on medical and school facilities, as well as flooding are all given as reasons for objecting to this site.
express concerns about scale/character of any new development and impact on existing residents.

Full text:

I wish to object to the development of houses on Sharmans Cross Road Solihull

I feel it totally inappropriate to use this land for additional housing. It has been already been formally accepted and minuted by SMBC that use of this land was only for sport and the freehold would not be sold and to renege on this now would be a blight on the area and the lovely space and openness we are fortunate to have in Solihull.

I also think the any development will be out of scale and out of character with the current houses in the area. If any new houses were more than 2 stories this will impact on the privacy and general ambiance of the area. A new 'estate' would completely overshadow the existing and unique area of Solihull.

I am very concerned also about the increase traffic the proposed (100) houses would bring. The area is already congested particularly at peak times and traffic into Solihull already tailsback to Prospect Lane at peak times due to traffic joining Streetsbrook Road at the junction of Sharmans Cross Road. Additional housing would make this far worse, not to mention the danger to pedestrians and children going to school at Sharmans Cross.

Another big worry is flooding of the area any new homes would bring. Sharmans Cross Road is already subject to flooring during heavy rain and this development will only make things worse. The drainage and infrastructure for these new homes just would not cope.

I have huge concerns about the number of schools and medical centres we have in the area. These amenities are already oversubscribed and these proposed new homes will make it even worse for current residents trying to get places at local schools for their children and also appointments at their local GP surgeries which are already struggling with the number of patients they have.

Solihull is such a lovely place to live and it is the most desirable place in the UK (according to a recent survey) and it is valued for its environmental benefits, mature trees and general open green spaces. Building of these new houses would be a risk to the habitat for lots of bats, badgers and Owls and make it a less desirable town.

I hope you take my objections seriously and put an end to the inclusion of this development in the Local development Plan.