
Solihull Local Plan (Draft Submission) 2020

Representation ID: 14374

Received: 14/12/2020

Respondent: Mrs Sheila Pittaway

Legally compliant? Not specified

Sound? Not specified

Duty to co-operate? Not specified

Representation Summary:

I wish to comment on the proposed development of Lugtrout Lane. To suggest 600/700 dwellings can be accommodated on this site appears to suggest no thought has been given to schools and transport. This is a green lung on a small green belt site and to build on it flies in the face of advice from many other agencies like Woodland Trust who say these green lungs should be maintained and increased where possible. The larger plan increases the building line along Damson Parkway and the small green lung along Lugtrout Lane separates the built up environment of the town centre.

Full text:

FAO G Palmer
Cllr A Mackiewicz,
I appreciate the reason for the submission of the local plan hopefully to prevent central govt imposing their idea on what Solihull should be providing.
However please remember Urbs in Rure.
Solihull has been quoted as as a “nice place to live” in national press.
And why do people choose to live here?
BECAUSE they like it the way it is. UK
Central is the area for development. Please leave the centre of Solihull as it is and preserve the ancient church of St Alphege in an appropriate setting.

I wish to comment on the proposed development of Lugtrout Lane. To suggest 600/700 dwellings can be accommodated on this site appears to suggest no thoughthas been given to schools and transport. This is a green lung on a small green belt site and to build on it flies in the face of advice from many other agencies like Woodland Trust who say these green lungs should be maintained and increased where possible. The larger plan increases the building line along Damson Parkway and the small green lung along Lugtrout Lane separates the built up environment of the town centre.
Alderman Sheila Pittaway