
Draft Local Plan Review

Representation ID: 1509

Received: 09/02/2017

Respondent: Ian & Janet Thomas

Representation Summary:

site 18 objection as it would lead to increased pressure on stretched medical resources, as well as impacting on the health of the local community.

Full text:

LPD-Proposed Housing Allocation 18
I wish to object to the proposed Housing Allocation 18 on medical grounds.

Firstly, the medical resources in this area are already under intense pressure, a development like this will only further increase the already high pressure on our local GP Service. Secondly, as a society we are becoming unhealthier though lack of physical activity. We should be encouraging sport not selling of sports resources such as rugby pitches. This site is in an ideal location to encourage sport as it used to do and should be used as a resource to improve the health of the local community.

Please don't develop this land.