
Draft Local Plan Review

Representation ID: 1510

Received: 09/02/2017

Respondent: Greg Doust

Representation Summary:

Objecting as it would lead to increased pressure on local road, schools and doctors. A loss of green space for recreational uses and habitat for local wildlife.

Full text:

Allocation 13
i would like to register my objection to 600 houses being considered for allocation 13 for the following reasons.
1. As you probably know the traffic is unbelievably bad coming from Dickens Heath already plus the pollution that comes with that.
2. Wildlife will be decimated as a result. The habitats of birds, bats, foxes etc will all disappear.
3. Lack of green spaces for people new and old for their health and enjoyment (Shirley Park space has already been reduced).
4. Basic infrastructure such as doctors, roads and schools will be in short supply based on past projects as all under massive pressure already.
I cant help thinking quality of life for people already here and the people possibly coming will be very poor in a town that's motto is Town in
the Country.
thank you for considering my objection