
Draft Local Plan Review

Representation ID: 1514

Received: 09/02/2017

Respondent: Lucy Bower

Representation Summary:

objection to developing greenbelt/open space for housing as this would lead to a los of recreation space. it will also increase traffic and congestion on local roads.

Full text:

Allocation 13
I write in relation to the planned housing development Allocation 13.

I live near to the proposed development (just off Bills Lane) and I would like to raise the following objections relating to this planning application:
The proposed siting of the development is particularly ill-considered: it is on a greenfield site used by many local residents for recreation and walking dogs, and building here would diminish the striking greenbelt scenery.
Further to this, the development will create transport problems in the local area. Bills Lane is already a busy and congested road; this additional concentration of traffic and roadside parking will cause traffic problems and create a safety hazard for other motorists.
Therefore, I ask that Solihull Council refuse this Planning Application.