
Draft Local Plan Review

Representation ID: 1517

Received: 09/02/2017

Respondent: Jacqueline Edinburgh

Representation Summary:

objecting as the development will result in a loss of open space/countryside.
it will also increase pressure on existing roads and social infrastructure (hospitals, maternity, schools)

Full text:

Allocation 13
I received a flyer through my doorway yesterday evening outlining proposed development of allocation 13 of 600 houses in Shirley to which I know nothing about? I live at 5 Burman Road, and have received no notification of development from the council or local government? Given that Shirley has the least green land out of all the boroughs of Solihull and has already lost park land in the Parkgate development with an increase in congestion and harmful pollution I certainly object to any further development. It is already difficult to get a bus from Shirley to Solihull with no reliable immediate service, it takes several days to obtain a doctors appointment at Tamworth lane surgery,even when very ill, no accident and emergency for children at Solihull, and reduced maternity services. Local class sizes already at capacity and not to mention the loss of such beautiful countryside. The development of the proposed 600 houses would be a negative impact on Shirley and should not go ahead.

I should like to know what exact percentage of the four developments are affordable housing and who qualify's?
Catering for which category of the population as we already have an excess of elderly in Shirley and insufficient for young people who are not able to get on the property market.