
Draft Local Plan Review

Representation ID: 1524

Received: 09/02/2017

Respondent: Julie Burrows

Representation Summary:

concerned about the loss of green space /playing pitches.

Full text:

LDP - Proposed Housing Allocation 18
I should like to register my concern regarding the proposed development of green land on Sharmans Cross Road.

I believe that the rugby pitch land should be retained as a sporting facility for young people within the borough.

I question what is meant by "affordable housing" ? Does this mean housing that young people like my 24 year old son and his girlfriend can buy? Or does this mean Council property that only people on benefits can live in?

How many bungalows are going to be built? A recent survey revealed that half of older people want to sell up their large houses and downsize into bungalows but developers only want to build flats (which they call apartments because they think it sounds better).

See below extract from a report in the Daily Mail in July 2016:-

Older homeowners are 'trapped' in large houses and unable to downsize because of a crisis in bungalow building.
Around 2.85million over-55s would like to move into a smaller home, with half wanting a bungalow, latest figures show - but two in five cannot find a suitable property as fewer and fewer bungalows are being built every year.
Over the past three decades the number of new bungalows built each year has plummeted by more than 90 per cent - from about 28,000 in 1985 to fewer than 2,500 last year.
Just one in 63 new homes registered to be built in 2015 were bungalows, according to the National House Building Council.


Please can you get back to me and confirm what type of property is proposed for this site?
I assume it will be another block of flats to stick old people in and some miniature size council houses for people on benefits.