
Draft Local Plan Review

Representation ID: 1565

Received: 16/02/2017

Respondent: miss Stephanie Archer

Representation Summary:

Object to housing site 13 as the open space is one of the most used in the area by all ages, and concerned that several drainage pipes have had to be replaced close to site 13 due to poor workmanship when the developments were built, so including the proposed housing site will put more pressure on areas that were not designed to take that much foul and surface water.

Full text:

schools don't have the money for improvements and many don't win grant cases. I think a good idea would be to open a new school on one of the sites, light hall is in a good location for developing on. A new school to replace light hall, possibly on a different site as a land swop like Arden have done would provide school possibilities and places for the additional housing developments.