
Draft Local Plan Review

Representation ID: 1586

Received: 08/02/2017

Respondent: Rajko Pajic

Representation Summary:

site 18 objection on density and loss of privacy for existing residents from new developments.
loss of sporting facilities - and health impact,
increased pressure on infrastructure - roads, parking, medical and schools.
impact on highway safety

Full text:

LDP -Proposed Housing Allocation 18
I object to the suitability of the proposed development for the following reasons :-

Destroying the character of the existing neighbourhood due to the high density of properties proposed, leading to a loss of light, privacy and overshadowing by 2 story properties .

The increased traffic will have a serious negative effect on highway safety and flow of traffic. Increased flow of traffic trying to exit the development will endanger both pedestrians and cyclists. Local traffic gridlock at peak times will be exacerbated.

The loss of sporting facilities in an ever increasing obese population is a definite negative.

Increased pressure on already stretched medical and educational facilities will lead to a dilution of these services for existing residents.

There will be parking issues for the existing Arden Club with the loss of around 75 spaces which could overspill into surrounding roads. This is without parking pressures from the development.

The development is not in keeping with the existing environment and SMBC has previously minuted that this land would not be sold and only used for sport 2013.