
Draft Local Plan Review

Representation ID: 1589

Received: 17/02/2017

Respondent: Mr Tim Ledger

Agent: Brandon Planning & Development

Representation Summary:

Qualified support is given to the principle of the proposed allocation of land at Barratts Farm, Balsall Common, subject to ensuring that the master plan protects the existing amenities and future interests of Pool Orchard and allows for the sensitive and independent development of parts of the adjoining paddock.

Full text:

QUESTION 23 : Appendix C

Site Reference LPR 1 : Barratts Farm, Balsall Common
My client is the owner of Pool Orchard, Barretts Lane, Balsall Common. His ownership includes the house (which is a Grade II listed building), its residential curtilage and an adjoining paddock to the east and south-east of the house and garden.
Whilst I appreciate that the plan showing the area of the proposed housing allocation (called Barratts Farm) is not fixed and that the boundaries may change by the time the Local Plan is submitted, the indicative area presently includes all of my client's land and property. To this end he supports the intention as set out in paragraph 224 of the Consultation Draft, to undertake further work in conjunction with land owners, promoters and the local community and my client would very much want to take an active part in the development of a master plan for the proposed allocation to ensure that his interests are fully respected.
Until the outcome of this further work is undertaken, any response must be limited at this juncture to the principle of the allocation and to set out my client's objectives for his land and property.
With regard to the principle of the allocation of Barratts Farm for 800 houses, my client naturally has a number of obvious concerns with regard to the potential effect of the development upon his property.
In no particular order of priority, his concerns revolve around the way in which the development might affect the character of Barretts Lane, the overall impact of the housing and the associated infrastructure upon his residential amenity and the way in which the allocation will change the character and nature of what is a tranquil part of Balsall Common.
Although my client fully understands the need to provide additional houses across the Borough and that Balsall Common has capacity to accommodate further growth, it is vital that significant allocations such as that proposed for Barratts Farm, protect and respect the important characteristics of the area. Until further details are made available to demonstrate how the area will be developed, he wishes to reserve judgement on the principle of the allocation.
With regard to the adjoining paddock, if the allocation comes forward, it will radically change the character of the area and alter the function and setting of the paddock. In these circumstances, my client would look to develop those parts of the paddock that do not affect the character or setting of his property, but he would wish to do so independently from a master plan for the main housing allocation to retain control over the way any such development comes forward.
Accordingly my client wishes to engage with the process of formulating the next stage in the development of a master plan for the proposed allocation to both protect the character and setting of his property and the amenities of his family whilst allowing for the residential development of those parts of the adjoining paddock that can accommodate discrete and sensitively designed housing.

Brandon Planning & Development