
Draft Local Plan Review

Representation ID: 164

Received: 19/12/2016

Respondent: Mrs Sally Bell

Representation Summary:

South of Balsall Common is the most highly congested in terms of traffic.
Accessibility: does not meet the Council's own criteria.
Brownfield sites were identified to the north of the village but were not considered
Heritage: Frog Lane is one of the last surviving historic lanes in the village. Duty to protect it and its wide variety of wildlife.
There is already a clearly defined defensible boundary.
Impact of HS2 development coinciding with new development in the village.
Congestion, especially with Jaguar LandRover site to the south and resulting highway safety issues.

Full text:

I am writing to object in the strongest possible terms to this above development. I realise that you have already received many letters listing the very real concerns of local residents and I do not propose to go through them again in detail but list below the salient facts:
- the south of Balsall Common is the most highly congested in terms of traffic (see Solihull Connected)
- accessibility: does not meet the Council's own criteria
- brownfield sites were identified to the north of the village but were not considered - why in view of point one - traffic congestion
- heritage: Frog Lane is one of the last surviving historic lanes in the village, dating back over 300 years. There is a clear duty to protect it and its wide variety of wildlife.
- Balsall Street East continuing into Balsall Street is the clearly defined defensible boundary and should remain so. This is abundantly clear when looking at a local map.
I accept totally that there has to be more housing across the Borough of Solihull but it hardly seems fair and just that Balsall Common is faced with 1,100 plus when our neighbours in Dorridge have seemingly escaped scot free! Especially when 32 site proposals were put forward and not even one chosen - how can this be explained? Particularly, bearing in mind that in terms of accessibility, Dorridge scores far more highly than Balsall Common.
It must be remembered that Balsall Common (unlike Dorridge) will bear the brunt of the massive HS2 construction project when that commences in a couple of years time - which would just about coincide with this development and the others allocated in Balsall Common, if given the go ahead. How can this be contemplated? Does the quality of life of Balsall Common residents mean so little - how can you ride rough shod and impose this on them?
My final point concerns the recent revelation that the JLR customisation site at nearby Honiley, is set to employ approximately 3,000 personnel, many of whom will utilise the already over congested south of the village to get to and from their place of work, possibly at peak rush hours coinciding with the numerous coaches and cars dropping off students at Heart of England School and a similar picture just round the corner at Balsall Common Primary School. This is a recipe for disaster. I invite you to come along and see for yourself the absolute traffic chaos every morning and afternoon at school drop off and pick up times - it is just a matter of time before there is a serious accident, indeed there was a minor incident at the Holly Lane crossroads a couple of weeks ago.
Cllr Ian Courts, the cabinet member responsible for managed growth said at the start of this period of consultation: " ....this is why the proposals at this stage are not fixed and why we are so keen for people's views." (Solihull Observer, 1st December 2016.) Well, I think you are in no doubt about people's views so, in this spirit, I would ask that you give the contents of this letter and the many others you have received objecting to this development, serious consideration and I expect nothing less than a totally honest and fair reply addressing all the points raised. I have every faith that you will do that and, based on all the evidence and facts provided, the only conclusion you can reach is that this development in Frog Lane is a complete nonsense and must be withdrawn from the draft local plan immediately.