
Draft Local Plan Review

Representation ID: 166

Received: 22/12/2016

Respondent: Mr Michael Nelson

Representation Summary:

The playing fields are a very valuable asset to this side of Balsall Common, which is used regularly.
Why move the green belt line to Frog Lane?
Why build so far away from local amenities?
Why use green belt? there are already brown field sites identified by Solihull Council?
Impact on infrastructure - local schools and health care facilities.
This part of Balsall Common has been identified as being the most congested.

Full text:

I wish to object to the above development on the following grounds:-

1. The playing fields were not on the plan I saw back in August at St Peters church, and therefore has no public consultation or knowledge.
2. The playing fields are a very valuable asset to this side of Balsall Common, which is used regularly by Football teams, families and dog walkers. There is no other safe public area within a reasonable distance from Balsall Street East and Holly Lane for recreational walking.
3. Why move the green belt line to Frog Lane? surely the line of Balsall Street, Balsall Street East is perfectly good enough!
4. Why build so far away from local amenities? it is nearly 2 miles to the doctors surgery, and 1.5 miles to the centre of Balsall Common. There is no public transport to the doctors surgery.
5.Why use green belt? there are already brown field sites identified by Solihull Council.
6. Infrastructure. We have a new health centre, but it is almost impossible to get a doctors appointment within a week, unless you turn up at sick parade in the morning or 2.00p.m.! Will there be more doctors? will we get more services? this must be part of the plan. Schools although this development is fairly close to the primary and secondary schools - they are full! Are more schools part of the plan?
7. Transport. I believe that Solihull Councils latest transport strategy document suggests that this part of Balsall Common is the most congested, surely it would make more sense to build where it is less congested?

I would be most grateful if you would take my objections into consideration.