
Draft Local Plan Review

Representation ID: 170

Received: 30/12/2016

Respondent: Mr & Mrs Martin & Charlotte Scarrott

Representation Summary:

Object to use of the playing field which is a valuable public amenity. The playing fields should be preserved.

Full text:

We write with regards to the proposed residential development in Frog Lane and the adjacent playing fields (Holly Lane Playing Fields) at Balsall Common. We have lived in Balsall Common since 2001 and have been a resident of Alder Lane specifically since May 2014 (with two children attending Heart of England School).

Whilst we attended an exhibition of proposed new developments earlier in the year, there were no plans included in respect of Holly Lane Playing Fields. In this regard, the plans which were exhibited at the time appeared reasonable and so we were happy to endorse these as potentially suitable (along with several other sites).

Based on the above we were both shocked and horrified to learn very recently that there are now plans to extend the Frog Lane site to include the Holly Lane Playing Fields. As a nearby resident, we are constant witness to the regular use of this site in terms of local dog walkers, and children using the space as a general area in which to play. The site is also regularly used by local football teams and in this regard, our son regularly uses the fields to train and for match fixtures (most weekends).

As a general point we would argue that if the village is going to be subject to residential development on the scale proposed then the requirement for green space for walking, exercise/general play (and for team sport) will increase. It would therefore seem wholly inappropriate to build on an established playing field, especially when it is so close to the secondary school, which would also benefit from additional green space/facilities for team sport.

Taking the above into account, we have a fundamental objection to the proposal to disregard/build on Holly Lane Playing Fields and would ask you to take into account/consider the following key points:

a) Why was the playing field added at such a late stage without any public consultation or knowledge?

b) The playing fields are a valuable public amenity, well used by local football teams, families and dog walkers. Government guidelines stipulate that such sites should be preserved and protected at all costs.

With regards to the second point in particular, please can you explain why SMBC is ignoring these guidelines.

We look forward to hearing from you.